Two drabbles.

Aug 07, 2004 13:10

I wrote a drabble for the open/closed challenge on hp100, but I don't know if it's really to the challenge. It's also not the best that I've done, but I went with the first image I got.
Characters: Tonks and random Death Eaters
Rating: PG, mostly for inherent cruelty.

"Crucio!" The spell hits her and she jolts in pain. Her body begins to change shape, out of her control.

It stops. "A Metamorphmagus." The voice is cold and formal. It is dark, so she can't see the men who hit her with Immobilius.


She hears the voice telling her softly.

Make your eyes bright red.

Go on.

Now open them.

She does so, hating them. Her pupils shrink from the light of a hastily cast Lumos spell.

"Very interesting."

Now close them.

She does, and her lashes flutter shut in a way that makes the robed figure smile.

And one for museteasers, which is sort of original. Inspired by the picture there.
I know the grammar is atrocious, but they're kids. We can't all be Hermione.

"This movie's completely rubbish, Charlie," Sam said. She grabbed another handful of popcorn from his tub.

"I thought it'd be all about the ship crashing and stuff," Charlie agreed, "Not some silly girl and her annoying boyfriend."

"Know what'd be better?" Jordan said, grinning.

"What would?"

"If they just sunk down to the sea like that. Then there'd be treasure."

"And you could see all their rotting skeletons," Sam said, with a bloodthirsty grin.

They all agreed that this would be much better than the boring movie, and ignored all whispers about shutting up so they could talk about it.
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