I've been finally catching up with my fandom writing. (yay)
Reason is such a long WIP, and although I've enjoyed it, I kind of feel like the overall response of where I'm going with it isn't that positive (or maybe just tired of it). ( rambling on... )
So... I signed up for the song challenge at KakaSaku LJ and I'm technically a day-ish late to submit something as an entry unless by some miracle there's an extension, but I'll still post it here anyway. I'll throw this in my drabble collection on FF/AO3 once I finish the mini part series I'm doing currently working on
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For the past week, I've been wanting to sit down and just write. December is going to be so hard for me to do anything fandom-wise (which I just noticed AMV contest is suppose to happen on calender events @ KakaSaku Comm... that's the one bit I really wanted to contribute to all year... adhfadhg;hl;hs *sobs
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