Nov 30, 2012 01:20
For the past week, I've been wanting to sit down and just write. December is going to be so hard for me to do anything fandom-wise (which I just noticed AMV contest is suppose to happen on calender events @ KakaSaku Comm... that's the one bit I really wanted to contribute to all year... adhfadhg;hl;hs *sobs*).
I need to get out chapters asap if there's any hope for me to update again until 2013 unless by some miracle I kick ass on this freelance project and finish it before x-mas, or the muse is kind enough to dump 4-6k words over the weekend instead of weeks.
So, I'm trying to give myself a deadline of this week to push stuff out... not working out too well.
I managed 800 words for one day, that's it. Then I stare at it and it's just ugh.... painful to look at. I just want to delete it and toss my laptop in an ocean.
I hate days like this. lol -_-