Title: Yuriko ~A Hamster Romance (Chapter 4 [
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3])
Author: Yours Truly
Pairing: Ryutaro x OC x Yamada
Genre: Fluffy / shoujo
A/N: Chapter 4 of my fanfic~! Wheee! I know it took forever (o_O) My apologies (>_<) I had a writer's block for the longest time and yeah :)) lol. I only got to finish it now. The point of views frequently change. Nyaha xD It was actually fun writing Yama-chan's, but it's kind of challenging to write Ryutaro's (^__^") [with special participation of Dai-chan!xD] Anyway, enjoooy~!
Thank you so much for the help, Steph-chan (
ryosuke00) for the idea! (> w <)
Chapter 4: Hello, I Love You
We were back from the trip and we were still halfway through the summer vacation.
Over the summer, I started working part-time at a bakery shop nearby school.
One random afternoon when there weren’t many customers, I heard the door open. Because I was too busy putting the cupcakes on the counter, I quickly stood to greet the customer cheerfully.
“Welcome to Strawberry Kiss!” To my surprise, I saw Yamada-san looking around the displayed cakes. Then, he slowly turned his head towards me.
“Yuriko-chan?” He widened his eyes. “You work here?” I nodded. “Just part-time.”
“Oooh~…” Yamada-san nodded and turned his focus back to the cakes.
Ryosuke’s POV
I tried to keep focus on the cakes. I couldn’t stop looking at Yuriko-chan. She was so cute in that pink and white apron. Her dark, brown hair was neatly tied.
I totally didn’t expect to see her. It’s been days since I last saw her in the outing. I couldn’t stop thinking about her since then.
“How can I help you?” I came back to senses when Yuriko-chan asked me.
“Oh! Uhm… I’ll just have strawberry shortcake…”
“Would that be a slice?”
“Yeah, make that two.”
I watched Yuriko-chan as she got me two slices of strawberry shortcake and slowly put the cakes inside a white box. As she handed me the box, I reached for it and my hands accidentally touched hers. Her fingers were so soft and warm. It made my heart skip a beat.
As soon as I paid and got my change, I quickly ran off to Dai-chan.
“Nee, Yama-chan.” Dai-chan took a bite from his cake as he started.
“Hmmm?” I looked at him while I poked on the strawberry on my cake.
“Do you like anyone now?” Dai-chan casually asked me.
“HA?!!” I shouted with surprise.
“ ‘Cause you’ve been acting so different.” Dai-chan laughed.
“What made you say so?” I widened my eyes.
“I know you’ve always had that romantic side since you read a lot of shoujo manga.”
“And your point…?”
“I just noticed how you’re becoming like one of those leading men in those manga.”
“I just think you like someone. You seem happy lately. Like a lot.” Dai-chan grinned.
I looked away, hoping Dai-chan wouldn’t notice my cheeks turning red. But he did, I guess.
“So who is it~?”Dai-chan sat next to me and stared at me with a smug on his face.
“Stop that!” I slapped Dai-chan’s shoulder to push him away.
“Oh, come on~!” is that how you treat your best friend?” He pouted.
“These things are to be kept private!”
“Come on~, Yama-chaaaaan~!” He clung to my arm.
“Okay! Okay! Just promise not to tell anyone, alright?”
“Yes, sir!”
“She’s a girl from school.” I sheepishly said.
“Oooooh~! Can I meet her?”
“I’m just curious what kind of girl she is.” Dai-chan smiled. I sighed.
“Fine, I’ll show her to you tomorrow.”
The next day…
“There she is.” I pointed at Yuriko-chan who was seen from the window of the bakery shop.
“Oooh~! Heeeey, she’s cute!” Dai-chan said, as he watched her from the outside of the shop while I made sure no one saw us. “AH!” Dai-chan shouted.
“What is it?”
“Look! Ryutaro! He’s going inside the shop.” We saw Ryutaro entering the bakery shop. Then we saw Yuriko-chan smiling widely like she was suddenly enlightened. We saw Ryutaro smiling and talking as well.
Yuriko’s POV
“Welcome to…!” I turned around to see who came inside the shop. It was Ryutaro-san. “Oh…! R-Ryutaro-san!”
“Hey, Yuriko-chan.” Ryutaro-san lightly smiled and waved. “Can I have some chocolate cupcakes?” He walked towards the counter.
“How many?”
“Half a dozen. My siblings annoyed me to buy cupcakes here.” Ryutaro-san mumbled cutely. He probably noticed me staring at him, wondering why he came here to buy cupcakes every so often.
“Your siblings seem to like the cupcakes here.” I smiled at him.
Ryutaro’s POV
Yuriko-chan’s smile was so cute. I’m kind of not complaining that my siblings pester me around to buy cupcakes here. I got to see Yuriko-chan even over the summer break.
Yuriko-chan handed me the box of cupcakes and I paid. Then she looked at her watch. “Oh, my shift’s over.” Yuriko-chan said.
“Great, you wanna walk home together?” I casually said.
“Eh?” Yuriko-chan paused for awhile. She looked a bit shocked. “Yeah, sure.” She smiled. “I’ll just go dress up.” With that, she went away.
Yuriko’s POV
I shut the door behind me and stood in the quiet dressing room. I was nervous and I wasn’t sure what to do. I’ve spent a lot of time with Ryutaro-san, but it was the first time for him to ask me if I wanted to walk home with him. I stood there and stared into space until one of the co-workers Nana-chan came inside.
“Yuriko-chan? Are you okay?”
“Ah! Y-Yes, I’m fine.”
“That boy, is that your boyfriend?” Nana-chan said with a smug.
“N-No!! What are you saying?!” I was blushing like mad.
“But you like him?”
“Uhm…” I quickly changed and headed out.
“Sorry to keep you waiting.”
“Oh, there you are.” Ryutaro-san turned around to look at me. “Let’s go.”
Ryosuke’s POV
I and Dai-chan just watched Ryutaro enter the bakery until the time I saw Ryutaro coming out of the shop with Yuriko-chan.
“Yama-chan! Look! They’re coming out!” Dai-chan exclaimed.
“Shhhh! Stop shouting! They’ll hear us!”
“Aren’t you gonna say ‘hi’ to them?”
“I don’t…!” Before I could finish my sentence, he was already gone.
“Ryutaro!” Dai-chan appeared in front of Ryutaro and Yuriko-chan.
“Dai-chan?” Ryutaro widened his eyes.
“What’s up? Oh, I’m Daiki! Nice to meet you!” Dai-chan turned to Yuriko-chan and offered his hands to her.
“H-Hi…” Yuriko-chan sheepishly greeted as Dai-chan cheerfully shook her hands.
“This is Yuriko-chan. She’s my batchmate.”
“I see~…”
“Dai-chan!” I ran after Dai-chan.
“Yama-chan, you’re here too.” Ryutaro turned to me.
“Yo.” I greeted Ryutaro and Yuriko-chan.
“You guys are about to go home?” Dai-chan smiled at them.
“Yeah,” Ryutaro nodded.
“Then why don’t we all go home together?”
“Dai-chan, we have a different direction.” I quickly answered.
“Then why don’t we walk them home? It’s for their safety.” Dai-chan grinned.
“You don’t have to do that!” Ryutaro exclaimed. Yuriko-chan lightly laughed cutely.
“Yeahm they’re big enough to walk themselves home.”
“Awww, but I wanted to spend more time with you, guys.” Dai-chan pouted like a kid.
“We can always hangout another time.” Yuriko-chan smiled, trying to make Dai-chan feel better. Her smile was so graceful.
“Yatta~!” Dai-chan rejoiced.
“Well, we’ll go ahead.” Ryutaro said.
“Alright, byeee~!” Dai-chan waved at them.
“It was nice meeting you.” Yuriko-chan lightly bowed and smiled at Dai-chan.
“Bye~!” Dai-chan greeted one more time as I lightly waved at them and we watched them leave.
“They seem close, ne?” Dai-chan started as we walked towards my house.
“Huh?” I couldn’t hear him because I was spacing out.
“Yuriko-chan and Ryutaro, they seem close, ne?”
“Ah~… yeah, I guess.”
“Doesn’t it make you jealous?”
His question made me stop walking, but I tried to sound casual. “Why should I?”
“Why shouldn’t you?”
I shrugged it off. But true enough, I was jealous. Yuriko-chan may have confessed to me before. But that was before. Her feelings may have changed. I felt uneasy every time I saw Ryutaro and Yuriko-chan together. I was jealous of Ryutaro.