→ Voting for Round Five, Challenge One will end on Sunday, August 08, 2010, 9:00 p.m. (GMT +8 //
Check what time it is in GMT+8 right now). Place you vote in a comment to this post.
→ Vote for two (2) fics of lesser quality to be eliminated, and one (1) fic as your favorite for the People's Choice award. Please judge based on overall technique and aesthetic quality, not personal preferences. Please provide a reason for your favorite fic for this challenge. Also, take note that the interpretation of the theme is RELATIVE, and comments about the theme "seeming to be misinterpreted" or "not being in the story" are not accepted.
→ Do not vote for your own fics.
→ Anyone can vote. You do not have to be a participant or a member of the community to vote.
→ Sample Vote
#05 - There are too many emotions in the fic, making the piece confusing.
#10 - The scenes in the fic aren't cohesive. The fic seems rushed, all in all.
#15 - The characterization is great. The development and pacing of the story is just as good. The story really made an impact.
Fine print03.
A barrage, a solvent04.
Of dragons and queens06.
It doesn't matter if we fall07.
Build to conquer09.
Clouds in my coffee10.
The stuff of legend11.
Days, weeks, months13.
Holy agony, Batman!14.
Nothing here to see15.
Within these walls16.
Dirty Motels17.
Cityscape Use the code below when casting your vote.
Eliminations#00 - (reason)
#00 - (reason)
Favorite#00 - (reason)