Nov 07, 2011 16:33
I read this fic a very long time ago. It was Gen. It would probably have been linked to from CL or (back in the day) GP. It was really long, but here's what I remember:
There were killings happening that resembled sacrifices related to an ancient religion. Throughout the story Blair is having these really intense headaches and for some reason Jim doesn't realize how sick he is (too focused on the case I think). One of Blair's students gives him this juice stuff that helps with his headaches. At one point Blair falls down the stairs at the university because of the pain from his headaches. A colleague takes him to the hospital and he doesn't tell Jim about it. Later Blair ends up in the hospital again (with Jim this time) and the Doctor mentions him being there before and that's how Jim finds out. I remember the doctor treating Blair the second time knew him and said that the doctor he had seen before thought Blair was exaggerating about how much pain he was in, but she says he was probably downplaying it if anything. They capture the killer and Blair talks to him I think speaking in the ancient language of whatever religion he was killing for. The killer thinks Blair is a messenger from the gods or something like that.
I really want to think it was called "Cry to Heaven" but I couldn't find it listed on CL under that title. Maybe it just isn't online anymore, and if that's the case if anyone has it saved on their computer, I would be ever so grateful. Thanks in advance.
theme: homicide/murder,
story length: long,
theme: cult,
character: blair,
character: jim,
theme: serial killer,
request: serial killer