Jun 13, 2004 07:49
Well crap.
Terri went and fsking quit, and now I'm the only trained night staff we have. And this I found out when I got to work last night, and the assistant manager looked at me and went; "oh, gee, sorry, but since you're the only night staff we have now, you're probably not gonna' get your days off this week."
I was like: =_=;;;
So with two months of working there under my belt, I'm being kicked to the top of the night-staff-totem-pole, and it's going to be up to me to freaking train all the new ones!!
*eyebrow tick*
To top it all off, since Terri just up and quit, I had to work with Ryan--he's a good guy and I adore him, but damnitall he does nothing when he's "working"! Nothing! So I spent all night doing my own work, and then had to do all of his work at 6 when the morning crew came in!
...but I made about $10 in tips last night. Which, given that I normally make about $2.50, is freaking awesome. ^_^;; I must have looked really annoyed or really pathetic or something like that.
Even though I didn't go to bed early last night, I still got up super-early (five hours of sleep -_-;;) and hied myself over to C.A.'s house to see everybody before I went to work. ^^
It was a quazi-birthday-party, so we all had pizza and cake and whatnot, and almost everyone was drinking. I was like "ah... I'd better not..." (but I honestly did consider calling in sick and just getting completely pissed, since I was having so much fun.) ^.^;;
Anyway, when I got there everyone else had already been there for about an hour or so, and Michelle was already on her third beer. =_=;; The girl can drink.
Unfortunately, she's a cheap ass drunk, so by the time she finished her fifth, she was so freaking drunk she couldn't even stand up straight. But she still wanted to drink... and we told her "no". Firmly.
The following conversation ensued:
Michelle: Can I have another drink?
Pam: No way. You're too drunk.
Michelle: *barely able to sit up under her own willpower* I am not!
Pam: =_=;;
Michelle: I loooove you Pam! ^^
Pam: That's nice. Stop touching me. You can't have another beer.
Stevie (make note of the name): That's telling her Michelle! Don't let then cut you off!
Michelle: Thanks... I love you C.A.! ^^
Pam: =_=;;;
Stevie: *gigglesnort* ^_^;;
Scenes to come.
tim hortons is the devil,