I should go to bed early today... but I don't think I will. ^^;;
Because I don't feel like it, even though I have to get up three hours early tonight to go over to C.A.'s place. ^_^;; OH WELL! I DEFY THEE, SLEEP! I DEFY THEE!
"Iteiteite... naa~! Josei! That huuuuurt~!"
"You're so mean to me~!
"Well you deserved it!"
"MAA! I'm already injured, here!"
"It's your own fault, baka!"
"Anou, Hikaru-san, maybe you shouldn't be moving around so much..."
"I'm fine, Amai-chan! I'm fine!"
"Oh, you are not!"
"Josei, butt out!"
"Kuso! Sit down and shut up already!"
"Eto... Josei-san..."
"Leave me alone!"
"Well. I see that Hikaru has managed to hurt herself. Again."
"Mou, Kira-san, Josei's being mean again!"
"I am not!"
Silver-grey eyes were unreadable as their owner tried to decide between iritation and amusement, before finally settling on the middleground of tolerance. Kira's gaze lit on Hikaru, who was seated on her bed, her right arm bent at an awkward angle, a miriad of dark bruises begining to fade into existence along her jawline and down the skin of the same arm, a cheerful smile on her face, awaiting a friendly visit from the Doctor who knew her far too well.
"What were you doing this time?"
The thirteen-year-old tried to look innocent. "Nothing, Kira-san! I swear!"
"Mattaku." Josei, who was seated on the edge of the bed next to her friend, ignored the pointed Look she recieved from her elder in response to her curse. "She dragged me and Amai down to that old Guard Tower again..."
"Gah! JOSEI! You said you wouldn't tell!"
"That was before you got hurt, Hikaru-baka!"
Kira's left eyebrow was twitching. On the bed, Hikaru and Josei's spat quickly degenerated into a childish poking-and-smacking type fight; despite this, Hikaru was holding her injured arm out of the way, and it was obvious that Josei was avoiding it anyway. A few feet away, from her vantage point, standing near the corner, Amai was looking concerned.
"Okay, okay. Break it up already." With an aggrevated sigh, Kira dragged Josei away from Hikaru and planted her next to Amai before turning back to look at the aquamarine-haired girl once more. "I've told you a thousand times, Hikaru. Stay away from that Tower. It's dangerous."
"That's why she likes it!" Josei piped up, making Amai give her a nervous look. "But when she went to go up the steps, one of them broke and she fell down."
The Guard Tower in question was at the Eastern edge of the Palace grounds, and had been abandoned and unused for years. In it's somewhat neglected condition, it had become delapidated--and the staircase that lead to the top of it was crumbling away. Dangerous as it was to try climbing said stairs, it was also Hikaru's favorite place to play, despite the fact that she had been forbidden to do so.
"No buts." Kira eyed Hikaru's arm. "This is the second time this year you've broken that one, isn't it?"
Hikaru Kou had a very bad habit of injuring herself. Maybe it was because she was clumsy, maybe it was because she was reckless, maybe it was because she liked taking risks, maybe it was because trouble seemed to follow her wherever she went. Whatever the case, in the three years she had been living at the Palace, she had managed to break her left arm once, her right arm twice, her collar bone on numerous occasions, and several fingers and/or toes as the occasion called for. She had also been to the Palace Doctor for stitches at least once a month, every month without fail, for her entire stay.
"She needs to be stopped, Kira-san! She's gonna' get us killed!" The violet-haired girl in the corner declared, waving a finger at Hikaru to emphasize her point. "Who decided to make her the leader, anyway?"
"Anou... I believe that was Kakyuu-hime, Josei-san."
"Mou, Amai! Stop standing up for Hikaru!"
"But I wasn't..."
Hikaru was looking down at her arm, not the least bit phazed by the fact that it had extra corners. "I think it's just dislocated this time, Kira-san." She told him pleasantly, aqua eyes blinking cheerfully from behind a darkening mask of bruises. "So I won't have to wear a cast, ne? They'll just pop it back in, and then I can go!"
Amai began to look a bit green at the idea of the Doctor relocating her friend's arm.
Josei poked her. "Ne, ne... daijobu desu ka?"
"Ah... hai..."
One hand raised and Kira rubbed at his temple. "It's not quite so simple, Hikaru."
"E?" Curious eyes turned away from her injury. "Naze? It's not broken, so..."
"NAA! Kira-san, make her stop calling me names!"
A heaved sigh.
"I'll go tell Satsu-san you won't be at training this afternoon."
Grey eyes flicked toward Hikaru: the girl sat stock-still, eyes wide, looking horrified.
More silence, then; "you're... you're not gonna' tell her I was at the Tower, are you?!"
Hikaru: ^_^;;
Accident prone. *nods*
Hikaru: Not so much anymore, though. ^^
Aa. *shakes head*
Still working on the second part of Nazoko and Hide's date... but Cassandra-san threw a bit of a wrench into my ideas with her Say My Name scene. Which I adored. So I'm trying to work it in, but...
Yeah. *eyes Nazoko*
Nazoko: What now?
*brandishes stick* Work with me, damnit!
Nazoko: =_=;;
I think I'll just skip to the end and leave the rest. They did stuff. Whatever.
And oh my God...
Josei: Don't say a freaking word. *glares*
Soda mousse.