When I washed my uniform yesterday, one of the seams in the leg started to come undone... and I didn't notice. So I wore said pants today, and over the course of a nin-hour shift, a little hole in the seam became a huge freaking monster hole...
I need new work pants. ^_^;;
It was almost like the old days.
With his head tilted upward, his eyes hidden behind dark sunglasses and his hands tucked away in the pockets of his jacket, Hikaru trailed a half-step behind Josei and Amai as the three of them cruised the shopping district of Kinmoku's capital.
They had done a lot of shopping together when they were younger, and he couldn't help thinking back--back to when they had been Trainees, back to before the Neo-Inner and Neo-Outer Starlights had been found, back to when he hadn't been quite so male. It was a strange thought, actually, that he hadn't always chosen to be a man; even in the short time since he had made that life-altering decision, he had grown more than accustomed to it.
What else had changed?
For Amai, certainly, her shyness wasn't as painful. When she had first been brought to the Palace, it had bordered on crippling... but years of exposure to Hikaru and his (or her) antics had muted it. Besides which, she had been slowly opening up ever since meeting her now-husband and starting a family...
The word made him raise his right hand, pulling it out of his pocket, and aqua eyes, shaded by his sunglasses still, lit on the plain, simple gold band which adorned his ring finger. A smile quirked at his lips, and he allowed himself a moment to revel in the contentment that followed, sighing softly.
"Maa ne," Josei called back, "stop doing that. Your 'Marital Bliss' stage should be over by now!"
"Oh, butt out." His reply was pleasant as always, and made Josei roll her eyes skyward even as Amai began to giggle quietly. "You're just jealous."
A snort. "Suuuuure I am."
Hikaru shrugged. "Lemme' be happy then."
"Gah... you're making me sick."
"Yeah, yeah."
Before she could reply, something in a nearby store window caught her attention, and she paused to inspect it. Hikaru and Amai stopped as well, though neither of them really cared to look for themselves. Instead, Hikaru's eyes drifted along the street, marvelling at how things had stayed so much the same since he was a child, and Amai shifted her shopping bag from one hand to the other, then checked her watch for the time.
"Nothing's really changed, ne... aside from me." The sentence held a wistful tone.
"Ah, Hikaru-san," Amai peered at him curiously, "I've been meaning to ask you how Taiga-chan is doing..."
He couldn't help but chuckle, and Josei turned away from the display she was looking at to pay attention to his response.
"Depends on the day, really." He told them both cheerfully. "Sometimes she's fine, and sometimes she's miserable... in general, she blames me for--and I quote--'getting her into this mess'." Blue-green eyes glittered in amusement. "There are times when she wants me around to talk with, and times when she wants nothing to do with me... when I told her you guys wanted me to go shopping with you today, she practically shoved me out the door herself."
Amai was giggling again. Josei was grinning.
"Maybe she'll finally crack down on you a bit."
"Anyway," Hikaru waved a hand, "she's also worried that I don't want to be around her anymore... that part is relatively new, though. Basically since she started showing, ne? I keep telling her she's being silly, but she won't listen."
"Poor thing." Amai was smiling, "I was the same way."
"Jeez, she's not even six months along yet." Josei shook her head, "what's she going to do when she's really big?"
"Cry, probably." Amai supplied, "you'll do a lot of consoling her before the baby is born, Hikaru-san."
"Peachy." He laughed again, then shrugged. "At least she's better than Yaten-san was, ne?"
Josei snorted. "Anyone would be better than she was. And don't you ever tell her I said that."
"She was pretty miserable, wasn't she?"
"You two seem to be doing pretty well, overall." The violet-haired Light observed, allowing a half-grin that bordered on showing how happy she actually was for her friend. "Especially given that you didn't want kids at all, and then you went and got her pregnant while you were still on your damned Honeymoon. I'm surprised she hasn't tried to smother you in your sleep or something."
"Taiga-chan wouldn't do that, Josei-san." Amai couldn't help smiling. "She loves Hikaru-san far too much."
"Aa. I guess you're right Amai... besides, Taiga-chan seems more like a bludgeoner than a smotherer. Keep her away from heavy, blunt objects, ne Hikaru."
Hikaru had to try very hard not to snort. "Is 'bludgeoner' even a word?"
"Who cares? I'm right, aren't I?"
"Naa, Josei. Didn't I tell you to butt out, already?"
"Sou ka..."
"And when have you ever known me to do that? E?"
Another sigh. "Yare, yare..."
Cassandra-san's latest scene had me laughing so hard. ^^
I need to write some scenes that have to do with Hikaru/Josei/Amai when they were younger.
I need a new CD...