
May 02, 2005 12:34

I don't deal well with stress. I am, in general, a very high anxiety person.
My main way to deal is to ignore it or overanalyze it from a detached perspective. Niether seems to work out well, as I can't seem to just directly deal with it.
I have been able to get things done that I need to get done, but only after a lot of focusing. Otherwise, I let things slide and go by and just not think about them in order to preserve whatever sanity I posses. Things, however, have been sliding far too often for me lately. I just can't remember to get things done, or do things that I know need to be done.
I have completely lost my appetite. I get major headaches. I feel tightening in my chest. I feel like something terrible is happening, but I know it's just stress. It's never been this bad before, and I find myself doing more to try and avoid it. Which will make things worse.
But I hear that major stress is common for people in positions similar to mine, i.e. pre-oral examination. I dunno. My advisor might get me an extension, but that might make it worse as this is something I just need to get done and over with. I really enjoy working here, and like the group and my project a lot. Hopefully, it all works out. I have a lot of options if it doesn't. I just hope I can deal with the stress soon, and get over it enough to do what I need to do.

I have been complaining a lot lately. Oh man. My LJ avatar-thingy is a hologram I made once. It's kind of neat, because you cannout see the hologram unless you shine a red laser through it in a special way. And then you see a 3d image. But the film itself looks like nothing.
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