
May 03, 2005 15:05

I've been messing around, and looking at people's livejournals. Mostly for kicks- I often go from friend to friend to friend and get to a journal for somebody I don't even know. Even with the people I do know, well, it's interesting stuff, but it's not like I'll remember it all 5 minutes from now. It just provides interesting details, interesting tidbits that might lodge themselves into my memory.
The first time I saw a "This is a friend's only journal", I got confused. I can see some people setting certain things to friend's only. Around half a year ago, I saw an amusing journal that went something like: confession of infidelity->omg husband saw this->now I'm getting a divorce. Anything you don't want the world to know, you set private. Hell, sometimes you even want to vent on shit you don't want anyone to know, and I guess this is as good a medium as any for that.
But the whole thing? I dunno. I just don't get it. It just assumes a level of intimacy with your online friends that I just don't get. Now, I've gone out and flown to meet people I know online, so it's not like I'm saying online people are fake. I just think that people's little anectdotes, their little stories, really aren't that important that they all need to be private. That somebody might need a little community of only people they know to read their little posting seems like an odd idea.
I know that this isn't why people make their entire journals private. It probably has more to do with people just being weirded out by everyone and their moms being able to read their livejournal. Or even more logical explinations. But that is all my mind can come up with when I happen across them. Maybe I see too much ego in the whole "livejournal" thing even without it being completely exclusionary. Hell, I'm surprised anybody would even read mine, let alone want to become a part of my little clique of friends. Livejournals are little diversions, nothing more. I, at least, can't be bothered to do anything else with them.
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