Citadel - Daikogen pg. 1

Aug 17, 2010 12:00

Originally published at RKdia Comics. You can comment here or there.

Between the creation of the two stories that make up this book I had made some significant changes to the way I thought about and actually created my comic pages. The biggest change was the commitment to the Brush as my primary inking tool. I began inking this story from the middle and worked my way towards the ends, and I did this first page second to last. I feel this is one of the best-rendered pages in the whole of the comic.

I also made a very different approach to the way I was going to tell the story of this part. Where I went into Arcadia with the idea of having an omniscient narrator, or even full dialog, I came at Daikogen as a silent comic. This allowed me to focus on telling as much information as I could about the story/world/character with actions, which as we all know speak louder than words. It wasn’t until my final critique session before Thesis was due at CCS that I was told it needed just a little more, and I added again the omniscient monologue. This monologue of course is much more simple, fluid and not as heavy as in Arcadia.

I’m very proud of this part of the comic and hope to improve even more as I work into the first chapter of the true story arc.

Ink on Bristol board.


Citadel is © 2010 Randall Drew
All Rights Reserved.

Want to know what’s going to happen next? Buy Citadel - Arcadia/Daikogen from the RKdiaComics store and get the whole story before it goes up on the web!

arcadia, comics, bristol, citadel, daikogen, randall drew, ink, brush, citadel - daikogen

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