Fan Fiction: B&S - A Change of Heart

Dec 31, 2008 21:43

Title: A Change of Heart
Author: semisweetsoul
Fandom: Brothers & Sisters
Character: Kevin Walker
Table: In the Dark
Prompt: #3 No more lonely nights
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
Disclaimer: Not mine, just borrowing for a minute or two.
Notes: Written for my claim at drabble123. Season 2.

A Change of Heart
Kevin is confused. Yesterday night, he was mourning Jason’s silence, and this morning he is rejoicing spending the night with Scotty. He feels guilty. He broke a promise even though he has extenuating circumstances. He should act like an adult and face up to his responsibilities instead of collecting excuses. He has to apologize, but he doesn’t want to or rather he can’t. That would be lying. He has no regrets.

Only his reason holds him to Jason, his heart points in another direction far closer than Malaysia.

When he hears Jason’s voice over the phone, his heart points in his direction, but his reason urges him to end the masquerade, and he does. He ponders over the wisdom of his choice. Jason, Scotty? Scotty, Jason? His heart and mind have to get in tune.

When he comes home Scotty is about to leave. Kevin talks him into staying. After all, they lived separate, lonely lives under the same roof. They have established a solid friendship, now they can try to reconstruct a relationship.

They learn to trust each other again. The air mattress disappears they don’t need it anymore. Scotty shares Kevin’s bedroom and all loneliness is left behind.


writing challenge: drabble123, 2008!fic, fic: brothers & sisters, fan fiction

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