Fan Fiction: B&S - Untitled Kevin & Julia Story

Dec 31, 2008 21:03

Author: semisweetsoul
Characters: Kevin & Julia (friendship)
Word Count: 1,759
Rating: G
Spoilers: Pre-series.
Disclaimer: Not mine, just borrowing for a minute or two.
Notes: I wrote this in April, but I wasn't and still am not quite satisfied with it so now that you've been warned, read at your own risk. It's here because my good fairy said to me she wanted to read it, and I can't say no to her. A hug and fic gift to whoever finds a good title, preferably one that gives a hint but doesn't give away the end.

Kevin Walker rhymes with sucker. For a mysterious reason he has yet to discover, he is always the one his siblings ask for a favor. For another mysterious reason, he always ends up saying yes. However, after some complaints and some more complaints, he eventually finds something out of the situation.

Therefore, when Julia needs someone to accompany her on a bridal shopping spree, Tommy does not ask the girls of the family, which would sound too obvious or normal no; instead, he suggests she turns to Kevin. Despite his older brother’s argument that it’s the perfect opportunity for him to bond with the future Mrs. Walker, Kevin believes Tommy’s just clumsily trying to keep his brother away from what he suspects his current state is : alone at home, with chips, beer and rented porn. Kevin prefers to reinforce Tommy’s theory but he is not taken in, Tommy is just taking advantage of his brother’s lack of attraction to his wife or any person of the female kind for that matter.

If he wasn’t such a blabbermouth, Kevin wouldn’t have fessed up to Tommy he has no one to bring to the wedding, and he is supposed to be the master in third degree and cross-examination? Truth be told, he became a lawyer to ask questions the easiest way to avoid answering them.

And here he is in the street, following Julia, Tommy would be so proud seeing how with just a faint smile his other half manages to subdue his self-assured brother’s impatience.

“Why didn’t you ask your girl friends? You have girl friends, right?” Kevin moans. He does not even try to pretend he enjoys this.

“It’s summer Kevin! They are on vacation. Linda could come but something came up and she had to cancel.” Julia explains trying to keep her self-control; she is used to six-year-old schoolchildren complaining not twenty-something lawyers.

“Why didn’t you drag Tommy along, then? You’re doing this for him, right?”

“What about the surprise?”

“Why did you have to ask me?”

“You agreed to come, remember? I couldn’t possibly ask Justin!”

“Like I haven’t done enough for this wedding already!” *

“Maybe you’re right, maybe this wasn’t a good idea. Just go wherever you want, do whatever you want, I’ll be fine! I know it doesn’t fit your idea of fun, but I don’t really like doing this on my own.”

“Please, you’re talking about buying alluring underwear here, not going to the dentist or the ob-gyn!”

She raises her eyebrows by way of protest, but Kevin does not notice, the male half of a young couple entering the store distracts him. She catches Kevin’s hand and drags him away as discreetly as possible, a little annoyed. “Stop doing this Kevin, it’s embarrassing!”

“What do you care? You asked me to come, look and give my opinion! I came, looked and would say B or maybe A+. This way, I won’t have wasted my time!”

“That’s nice!”

“No! Sorry Julia. That’s not what I meant.” Kevin starts, but a saleswoman approaches them and starts talking to Julia, interrupting Kevin’s apology. “How can I be of assistance? Are you looking for something specific?”

“Actually, I’m getting married next Saturday and I...”

“Congratulations!” she exclaims smelling the potential buyer.

“Thanks!” Julia answers her cheeks instantly turning red.

“What about you sir, we should find you something convenient, too!”

Before they can explain their situation, she has already disappeared with Julia. Kevin finds himself stuck between two racks, a revolving stand and a mother, her two young sons and the stroller she is pushing. When the way is clear, neither Julia nor the shop assistant is in sight anymore. He curses the woman wondering who on earth would bring toddlers to buy lingerie with them.

“Sir, my colleague sent me. Congratulations on your wedding, you’re a lucky man, you’ve found yourself a pretty lady! If you would like to follow me, we have articles of clothing for men for all sorts of occasions, right this way.”

Kevin jumps at the voice behind him. He turns around with the firm intention of declining the offer. He just needs to explain he is not the groom only the best man, but a glimpse at the seller is enough for Kevin to forget his last resolution, he manages to stammer a few words he hopes make sense, “Yes, Julia is really pretty and you are so hot!” Kevin does not articulate the last part enough for the man to hear it, but he yells it in his head, at least three times.

Before Kevin can understand what is happening, he is in a fitting room about to try a thong on. No, this is not happening! This guy is an excellent seller, really, really convincing.

“I can give you an opinion, sir, if you want.”

“Well, umm... thanks I’m fine, I’m fine... I’m perfectly... fine!” Kevin must calm down. He tries to think about something sad, devastating, horrible... he closes his eyes and put back the clothes he mentally ripped out of the attractive seller the moment he saw him, but it is not working. He starts to panic; what if the man believes something is wrong and asks him to leave the room or open the curtain to be sure he has not passed out. That last thought is sufficient for Kevin to find back some serenity.

He leaves the fitting room shivering and still a little red in the face, thinking he will simply blame the lightening or in the hotness of the atmosphere, if somebody asks. “Listen, I’m sorry I have to go!” Kevin quickly says.

“Already missing the lady, sir,” the guy jokes cheerfully.

“No, not really, but umm... if you must know, I came to help her choose actually. Not only am I not the future husband but I’m also not the kind to umm... well... Never mind.” He sticks the different articles he was supposed to put on in the guy’s hands, “you should try this thong, I’m no expert but I’m positive you’ll look great in it. Thanks for your time!”

Kevin walks away as fast as he can. It is not so much like him to hit on perfect strangers outside of the places he is used and comfortable to do so. He looks around to make out Julia on the other side of the shop hesitating between what he believes are corsets.

“There you are, Kevin! So tell me red or black?” She is expecting a knowledgeable word of advice, she should ask the sales woman. Where was she when they needed her? Since he is there and she isn’t, he figures he must be upfront, if he answers the first thing that comes to his mind and Tommy doesn’t like it, he fears she‘ll blame him, “Honestly, I have no idea. You know just because I’m gay, doesn’t mean I’m good with colors and lace negligees!”

“Please, Kevin!”

“I don’t know! Maybe if you tried them on...”

“I can do that!”

They head towards the fitting rooms. While Julia is trying her different choices on, he notices the seller staring at him; he manages a little smile he hopes not too simple or suggestive. He needs to take it easy to prevent the embarrassing situation he was in earlier to happen again.

“Kevin?” Julia asks.

“Yeah, yeah, bring it on!”

She steps out with the red corset, self-conscious of what is happening. She is almost naked in front of her future brother in law. “So what do you think?”

“It’s nice!”

“Nice? Could you be a little more specific?”

“All I can think about is how Tommy will rip it off to see what’s underneath and it’s not a particularly appealing thought to me. Sorry!”

“I think red suits better your complexion”. They both turn to where the voice came from; the seller is standing in front of them.

“Are you sure?” Julia inquires with signs of bafflement, what generally happens before embarrassment, and mortification, “That’s okay, it’s his job and chances are we’ll never meet again!” Julia whispers letting out her inner thoughts.

“Yeah, red’s great. Tommy loves red... I’m pretty sure.” He continues looking in the seller’s direction, “Listen to him, Jules, it’s his job, he must know what he’s talking about!”

“Okay, then. Red it is! I’ll change and I think we can go!” she answers quickly disappearing behind the black curtain.

“Finally!” Kevin slipped aloud. He turns to the seller, busy folding clothes away in boxes, to hide his lack of composure, but this Kevin doesn’t notice.

“Thanks for your help with this.” Kevin says as casually as he can to initiate a conversation.

“You’re welcome, but like you said, that’s what I’m here for!”

“Of course!”

“Good luck for the wedding! Let me give you my number if I can be of help for the big day.” He scribbles something down on a piece of paper and hands it to a puzzled Kevin who shoves it in his pocket as Julia steps out of the fitting room.

“Alright Kevin. Let’s go now!”

Ten minutes later, they are back under the hotness of the Californian sun.

“Can I buy you a thank-you drink?” Julia suggests. “I know it wasn’t a picnic for to do this!”

“That’s alright! Oh, I almost forgot, he wanted me to give you his number, if you need help or anything for the wedding...”

“Really? I’m getting married, what does he expect?”

“Maybe ogling you in that red negligee gave him some ideas. You should keep his number, you know, just in case Tommy says ‘I don’t’, and you need a shoulder to cry on, and a hot sex night to drown your misery!”

Julia just manages to object, “Kevin! You’re unbelievable!”

“Not that he will! I meant, hypothetically speaking!” Seeing how she’s rolling her eyes again, he adds, “okay, what about an ‘I’m sorry drink’, then, my treat!”

Julia hesitates a moment before opening the paper, she should not feel so curious about what is written inside, she’s getting married. Julia finally opens it, and starts to laugh uncontrollably. “Looks like we both found what we were looking for after all!”

Kevin snatches the piece of paper from Julia’s hand, intrigued by her reaction. He reads a phone number and the message that goes with it, “I was wondering... if I wanted to buy the thong you tried on and recommended I would need someone’s expertise to tell me if it fits. Why not yours? Call me. Hank.”


* I believe Tommy asked Kevin to be his best men, so he indeed had a lot to do.

2008!fic, fic: brothers & sisters, fan fiction

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