Feb 17, 2006 02:45
My mom's in the hospital. She went in there over the holidays because she had sugery on part of her lung, she went back in a week later to get something fixed because something wasn't working right. Now she's back in 2 months later due to having problems breathing. I know she'll be okay, it doesn't seem like anything that uncommon. Walking through a hospital you realize how many people are ill and sick everyday.
I also start thinking about if it were to be bad, and how something remorseful like that would change your life. How you would feel about everything after that point on. Would you treat everything differently? Would you cherrish moments longer? That leads me to get upset, why should something tragic like that change your views on life? Why cant you just be happy, outgoing and giving everything you got each day? I think I try that, I put myself on the table. I suppose not as well as I could or should because I do want to keep in contact with older friends, and stay closer with my family after these types of things.