Guilt is a very powerful method of manipulation

May 27, 2006 14:31

Guilt will make you wear ugly clothes.
Guilt will make you clean up your room.
Guilt will make you cut the yard.
Guilt will make you beg for forgiveness.
Guilt will make you act like a retard in public.

Guilt will also have you up at 8 in the morning in a jacuzzi, with an empty 5 gallon bottle, filling it up time after time and emptying out the jacuzzi.

Heres the story.

So we got this hot tub thing like, 2 months ago. Mind you, I hadnt used it ONCE ( until last night anyways ). For TWO WHOLE months my mom had the hot tub to do whatever she pleased with it. I waited, and waited. And yet, the hot tub saw no action. So I figured 'fuck it'. Cant let it go to waste!? We didnt spend 4 thousand dollars on a jacuzzi for it to sit in the yard and look pretty.

So me and Greg spur-of-the-moment, jumped in. Well of course, one thing led to another and well. Okay so there were babies in the water. I was going to clean it out the next day cause it was 11 at night! I wake up today and my mom asks me, if there are babies in the water LOL! I replied honestly. And next thing I know, she's complaining and bitching and grumbling. I felt so much guilt in my soul.

It consumed me, this guilt. It knawed at the very core of my being.
Not really.

But anyways, I knew she'd bitch about it for the rest of the day, and todays a long day. So I got in there at 8, and started emptying out the bottle. At first the labor wasnt tasking at all. It was like weight lifting. But after the 6th time of holding the bottle underwater as it tried to come up, and emptying it out after filling it up, the pain settled in my arms and lower back.

My mom told me to get out, etc etc etc, to let it drain by itself. Which let me not forget to mention, the drain thingy on the hot tub, WAS WEAK! It LEAKED out a LITTLE STREAM of fucking water! It was like a little stream of jacuzzi piss! What was I supposed to do?! Wait the 3 days it would take to empty out?! No way. I was determined to shut my mother up once and for all, and thus- my little A.M. workout. I did finish tho, my determination and effort fueled with a DESIRE to be left alone in PEACE today at any cost!

So once it emptyed out, I cleaned it, then filled it back up.

No more babies in the water.


And if she doesnt use the fucking hot tub tonight, I swear to God, Im going to run a train in that hot tub and next person to sit in there for more then five minutes will be pregnant with Greg's kid.

The End.
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