Stupid Ass Number 1

Jun 01, 2006 18:09

My friend Chris is an all around cool guy. He's weird, he's smart, he's cute, and he's really interesting as an all around person. You could sit down and talk to this guy for hours because he's smart as fuck in all aspects of life. He knows how to fix things, he plays guitar, and he's creative. It makes you wonder why girls dont wanna date him. SERIOUSLY! He's a little edgy but he's awesome!

Anyways, I gave him advice and he didnt take it, thus making him my first stupid ass of my advice-giving career. You see, Chris works at UPS, and he works the night shift. So he works from like 11 at night, to like 7 in the morning? Okay give or take a hour here and there, he works at night basically. So he has trouble sleeping.

You think that after working from 11 to 7, you'd wanna pass out as soon as you got home, but not Chris. He ends up sleeping a couple hours, or thats what he says anyways. So I told this fool to make an appointment with a doctor cause that shit could become hazardous. He could fall asleep driving home or something and get into a horrid accident! Do you think he's gonna listen? No.

Dumb ass.

You reading this Chris?! It'll be up here till your dumb ass sees a doctor!

On a second note, if your hot, skinny, acne-free, STD/AIDS/HIV free, and smart, holla at me. Chris might be interested.
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