The West Wing - The Jackal 4/?

Nov 23, 2007 15:20

Title: The Jackal - Chapter 4
Pairing: CJ/Toby
Rating: Teen... to be safe.
Summary: After being admitted to hospital, Abbey meets and decides to adopt a fourteen-year-old girl. But there may be something more to this rogue orphan… can The First Lady help her? AU

Friday, October 27th

“Carol you’re in my chair again.” CJ grumbled as she walked into her office. “And you’re looking through my personal things.” She tried to take the photos away from Carol but was unsuccessful.

“You shouldn’t leave your draw open.”

“You shouldn’t be snooping around.” Replied CJ as she, again, tried to get the photos back in her possession.

“I’m trying to understand why you’ve been in this perpetual state of PMS lately.” Carol grinned, she rolled backward in the chair as CJ advanced. “Who’s the baby?”

“My cousin.”

“All your cousins are older than you.”

“No they’re not. Besides maybe it’s an old photo.”

“Not by the look of it.” Carol kept pushing the chair backwards as CJ snatched for the photos. “Why won’t you tell me about the baby?”

“What baby?” Toby was standing in the doorway, looking a little confused. The two women fell silent for a moment. “Did I walk in at a bad time? I can do it again.”

“Your cousin.” CJ suddenly said.

“Is that anything like ‘yo mamma’?” Toby inquired.

“Ha, you just said ‘yo mamma’.” CJ laughed, forgetting her little fiasco with Carol for a moment.

“I thought you said this was your cousin.” Carol frowned.

“What are we talking about?” Toby sat down on the couch.

“The photo I have of your cousin.” She snatched the photo from Carol and flashed it at Toby.

“Oh Allie, I understand now.”

“Allie? But CJ said…”

“Carol, Toby and I have been friends for years. His family is my family and visa versa.” CJ sighed, before turning on her assistant. “Now get out of my damn office!”

“Fine!” With that said Carol promptly removed herself from CJ’s chair and headed for the door. Quickly she spoke to Toby. “Careful she’s got on-going PMS.”

“CAROL!” CJ yelled as the door closed. “I’m sorry, can I help you Toby?” She sorted her photos and shoved them in her drawer.

“It’s about Alexandra.”


“I assume you…?”




“Of course…” Toby nodded, standing up again and walking across the room to inspect Gail’s fishbowl. “I just met her in the Oval Office. I thought, maybe, you’d want to talk.”

“Two days avoiding meeting a child, I think that’s a record for you.” She smiled as she pulled her chair back into place. “We should talk to Abbey.” CJ collapsed in her chair and rubbed her eyes.

“That’s not what I meant.”

“Do you think this is fate?” Her voice had a slight amount of sarcasm to it.

“The First Lady falls down a flight of stairs whilst sneaking to the kitchen, much like you did the first night we slept together. After a few weeks in the hospital she brings home a fourteen-year-old girl named Alexandra Jane, the name we gave our daughter…”

“You see, the stars are aligned… or planets, or something in space is sitting next to something similar.” She frowned, not exactly sure where she went wrong with that one.

“Except Allie died CJ.” His tone was harsh and she flinched as the words hit her.

“Toby did you see a body?” CJ remained calming, knowing it was the only way she would be able to hold herself together.

“It would have been so much more traumatising…”

“Other parents see the body Toby, other parents…” She stopped herself before she became too worked up. Tears were beginning to form in her eyes. “I know those eyes Toby, they were exactly like my mother’s back then and they still are.”

“Don’t start this, Claudia Jean. She’s not our daughter!”

“You even noticed it yourself, enough to come to my office and worry whether I’m making a fuss over it.” Their argument came to an abrupt halt. “I’m going to talk to Abbey about her history.”

“And I’m going to talk to Abbey about your mental health.” Toby sighed. “I didn’t come in to make a thing about it. I’m the one thinking logically about this.”

“Toby, get out of my office!” CJ picked up her phone and dialled a familiar number. “Hey it’s CJ, I need to speak with The First Lady some time today.”

“CJ, it’s just one of those things.” Toby continued.

“Aha, excuse me a moment.” She held the handset to the chest for a moment. “Get out of my office now!”

“Don’t get your hopes up.” Toby left the office and CJ returned to her phone call.

“Well, yes I know I could just phone Abbey. But this is an important thing and will take some time, so I thought it would be better if I scheduled it.”


“Abbey, are you waiting for someone?” Alex frowned as she noticed The First Lady glance at her watch again.

“Well I was, but now I’m wondering where they are.” Abbey told her as she made her move around the game board. “Have you ever been to England?” She landed on her own property and sat back in her chair.

“Yes.” Alex answered simply as she rolled the dice and suddenly found herself going directly to jail. “I lived with my Aunt in London until I was three. Although, she was American and I don’t really feel British. It’s all very confusing.”

“We could always have intelligence check that out for you.” Jed told her from his place in his armchair. He glanced over his glasses at the game before him. “I didn’t know we still had Monopoly.”

“Alex found it.” Abbey informed him as she picked up her community chest card. “I won second place in a beauty contest. I get fifty dollars.”

“Second place, this game obviously has no idea who it’s dealing with.”

“It must be why it was buried so far back in the cupboard.” Alex quipped.

“That sense of humour is brilliant!” Jed exclaimed. “You could definitely take over for CJ.”

“I could never take over from Claudia Jean Cregg.” Alex frowned as she made her move. “She has this way of dealing with the media that ensures she doesn’t have to deal with them in certain cases. It’s just so fascinating to watch her in action…” There was a noise from the doorway.

“And here I was thinking people hated me behind my back.” CJ grinned from where she leaned against the doorframe. “I’m sorry I’m late Abbey.”

“Not a problem. Jed was going to escort Alex to the library for a while before she went to bed.” Abbey nodded in Jed’s direction and he stood slowly.

“Alexandra Jane, that’s our cue to leave.”

“But CJ just got here, can’t I stay up for a while and chat?” Alex pleaded with Abbey as she stood up. Watching her eyes, CJ could almost feel her heart being wrenched from her chest as the girl begged for more time. If she really was Allie, then it should have been the other way around. CJ would be the one insisting she couldn’t stay and chat to Abbey. So many things would be different. “Can I just say that I start school next Monday?” Alex grinned.

“You got accepted? Congratulations.”

“I think Jed’s worrying about putting another girl through High School.” Alex admitted.

“Not at all, particularly since you enjoy my stories more than most.” Jed replied.

“Can I stay here and celebrate for a while?” Alex asked hopefully.

“CJ and I have things to discuss Alex, this is a formal thing.” Abbey told her.

“Okay.” Alex got up and pressed a kiss against Abbey’s cheek. “Night Abbey.”

“Goodnight sweetheart.”

“Night CJ.”

“Night Allie.” CJ replied, wanting to tuck her in. Even though she was fourteen and it probably would be unacceptable.

“Allie? My Aunt used to call me that.” Alex frowned, before joining Jed at the door. “Goodnight.”

“So Alex, what do you think about National Parks?” Jed could be heard asking as they left the room.

“Well I have a feeling they’ll be up for hours.” Abbey laughed.

“He was up until two in the morning talking to Josh about National Parks one time.” CJ recalled as she took a seat opposite The First Lady. Her mind focused on the comment Alex had made about the name CJ had called her. “Poor Josh, just wanted to go home and sleep.”

“I could imagine.” Abbey smiled, packing up the game. “What can I do for you CJ? Amy said it was rather urgent but you wouldn’t specify the reason.” She leant back in her chair.

“It’s fairly complicated.” CJ explained, a little uncomfortable with what she was about to tell America’s First Lady.

“I’m willing to concentrate.” Abbey smirked. “You know you can tell me anything CJ. Jed and I have always thought of you as a daughter more than anything else.” There was silence between them and CJ realised there was nothing left to do but explain the situation.

“A few years before I joined this administration, I was engaged to Toby.”

“Well CJ, I knew that.” Abbey was a little confused. Not only did she know, but CJ knew that she did. “You’d known each other for years, you got engaged, and then there was a mutual agreement to part ways. Has something happened between you and Toby?”

“While we were engaged I got pregnant…”

“Please don’t tell me this has to do with the abortion protesters yesterday…”

“No!” CJ said quickly. “We had a baby girl. She had gorgeous dark hair and dark eyes, which I understand is the same for most newborns but she was very cute, and three days later we didn’t have her any longer.”

“Oh CJ, I’m so sorry.”

“Abbey, she didn’t die.” CJ insisted, resulting in a very confused First Lady. “She was pronounced dead, but I know in my heart she isn’t. Toby won’t believe me, but you have to Abbey. I know you understand what I’m talking about. I just know she’s alive.”

“What made you think this way?”

“The midwife told us our baby had passed away, and then she suddenly transferred to a different hospital.” CJ began calming herself down, trying not to sound too dramatic in her explanation. “We didn’t see our baby again.”

“Seeing a child dead, is a very traumatic experience.” Abbey stated slowly. “But hospitals don’t take the child straight to the morgue. Parents need closure, and so the doctors allow them to see the body.”

“I didn’t, Toby didn’t, something is wrong with that right?”

“We should talk to Jed.” Abbey said sincerely, standing up and moving to CJ’s side. “We can get the FBI to do some sort of background check on the midwife, if you can remember…”

“Merideth White.” CJ cut in. “Although she could have changed it. She had blonde hair, dark blue eyes and was roughly five foot four.”

“When I first met Alex, there was something familiar about her and I just couldn’t pick it. She’s intelligent, well-mannered, and has a brilliant sense of humour.” Abbey smiled, putting an arm around CJ as she sat on the arm of her chair. “And the orphanage assured me she has a very explosive temper. Not to mention a stubborn streak when she is attacked over something she is very passionate about.”

“If it is her though, it’s kind of odd how this all worked out.”

“CJ, if Alexandra isn’t your daughter, then you and Toby have twins somewhere that are in a similar predicament.”

“She has eyes like my mother. I noticed it the day she was born.” CJ smiled. “Do you know how many times I have dreamed of this?”

“This exact outcome?” Abbey raised an eyebrow at the thought.

“Well no, I didn’t fantasise that The First Family would adopt my, presumably, deceased daughter.” Pausing for a moment, she considered the idea. “I don’t think anyone would come up with that.”

“It’s like dreaming of becoming a princess when you were little.”

“Actually, when I was little I dreamt of becoming the Press Secretary to the President of The United States.” She smirked. “However my friend Luke was always the president at the time. Strangely enough his last name was Roosevelt.” CJ frowned at the thought.

“Well, that was a fortunate coincidence.”

“Yes is was.”

“I’ll talk to Jed and see what we can do.” Abbey assured her friend, giving her a hug. “In the meantime, how about you let Alex follow you around like a new puppy?”

“You’re comparing my daughter to an animal?”

“A cute and playful animal…” Abbey defended herself. “One that is definitely lovable.”

“Alright, tomorrow morning send Alex to my office. Seeing as I have nothing better to do on a Saturday.” Standing up, CJ grabbed a chocolate cookie from the bag on the table. “I love these.”

“So does AJ.” Abbey smirked.

“AJ? Ha, that’s cute.”

“She likes it.” Abbey informed her. “Alex and Jed were amused by the idea that the next Press Secretary could be named AJ.”

“I’m sure there’s been someone in The White House named AJ.” CJ frowned, trying to think for a moment about the name. “And I’m sure I’ll work it out at some ungodly hour when I’m trying to sleep.”

“Goodnight Claudia Jean.”

“Night Abbey, see you tomorrow.” CJ grinned, heading for the door. As she stepped through the door, and closed it behind her, CJ took a deep breath and dug her phone out of her coat pocket. Speed dial safely held Toby’s number. Her thumb hesitated over the number before she put the phone away and headed for her car. There was no reason to bring Toby into the whole thing until it was determined that Alex was their daughter. She would just have to avoid him on this specific subject for some time, which wasn’t too hard as he’d just think she was pissed off at him.

Chapter 5

character: ensemble, fan fiction series: the jackal, type: fan fiction, show: the west wing, character: toby ziegler, character: claudia jean cregg

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