The West Wing - The Jackal 5/?

Nov 23, 2007 14:25

Title: The Jackal - Chapter 5
Pairing: CJ/Toby
Rating: Teen... to be safe.
Summary: After being admitted to hospital, Abbey meets and decides to adopt a fourteen-year-old girl. But there may be something more to this rogue orphan… can The First Lady help her? AU

Saturday, October 28th

“Holy Mother of God!” CJ yelped, almost jumping out of her skin as she noticed Alex out of the corner of her eye. “What are you doing in my office?” She asked, dropping her bag on her desk and collapsing in her chair.

“Feeding your fish…” Alex informed her, trying to hide the amused smile playing on her lips. “Abbey told me, last night, to come down today.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t expect you to be here this early.”

“I’m sorry Josh informed me that you got in here early, and I figured if I’m going to spend the day with you and learn more about your job then I should do as you do and get here early…”

“Breathe.” CJ interrupted, a grin spreading across her lips.

“Right, sorry.” Alex stopped and sat on the edge of CJ’s desk, one leg crossed over the other. “You have a fish.”

“I do.” CJ replied, gazing over a few headlines on her desk.

“In your office?” Alex raised an eyebrow.

“Yes. Her name’s Gail, it’s an awkward thing I have with a friend.” She felt a little odd discussing Danny with a girl that was possibly her daughter, CJ continued. “Is my Personal Annoyance in?”

“Annoyance, not Assistant, I’ll make a note of that.” Alex laughed. “Carol muttered something about being here this early when Donna gets to go away with her boyfriend, and then went to find something good for me to eat.”

“Yes, Abbey’s been particular about getting some fat on your bones.” CJ replied, ignoring the part about Carol.

“I guess I chose the wrong mother.” Alex replied in jest, but CJ fell silent. “CJ are you okay? I can come back another time if this is an inconvenience.” She said softly.

“Ah…” She considered the fantasy of telling Alex what could be, but decided against it. “I’ll tell you when we finish up tonight. After all, we want to keep professional.”

“The First Lady says that this administration is the biggest bunch of school yard misfits…”

“I meant to say ‘keep up the façade of being professional’. There’s a big difference.” CJ threw one newspaper towards the waste paper bin.

“I assume ‘misfits’ in the broadest possible sense of the word.”

“I believe so.” Alex shrugged as CJ handed her a paper. “What am I doing?”

“Go sit on the lounge and tell me if you find something that, you think, we should be worried about on that front page.”


“I’ve been assured you could do my job better than me.” CJ countered, looking over the top of her glasses at Alex.


“If Abbey believes you have the capability to do my job, I don’t doubt it. Although she didn’t specifically state it as such, just enlightened me on how fascinated you are with politics and your supreme knowledge with all things political.”

“So I’m looking for something we don’t want in the papers?”

“Yes, that’s what we’re doing on this fine morning.” CJ assured her, moving on to the next paper and frowning slightly. “That’s a god awful picture of me. I’m not going to dignify this paper with a read through. That can be yours too.” She tossed the paper towards Alex with a smile.

“Photo’s are never flattering in the newspaper.” Alex muttered as she picked it up off the floor. “This almost looks like the grainy photo of me they had a few days ago. With the exception of the podium and… well yeah, you get the point.”

“How are things in your new home?” CJ asked, moving the conversation along as she got bored of the papers.

“It’s fun. I’ve never had such a large bedroom before.” Alex grinned from ear to ear, whether she knew it or not. In her heart CJ was excited for her, but at the same time wanted to pull her away from it all. “Jed’s going to take me to Acadia National Park when he gets a chance.”

“That will be thrilling.” CJ muttered, rolling her eyes.

“It’s amusing how entranced he can become in facts. I actually can’t wait to go.”

“Breakfast.” Carol announced as she walked into the office. “Where are you going?” She asked, a little confused as she handed Alex a danish.

“Ooh, Breakfast at Tiffany’s.” Alex smiled as she dug in to her breakfast.

“That’s what I was thinking.” Carol shrugged. “So where’s who going?”

“President Bartlet is going to show me a few of his favourite National Parks.” Alex informed her, excitement obvious in her voice. Carol shared a worried look with CJ. “It was my decision that Acadia be the first one we visit. He says it’s so often overlooked, and the slides are fantastic. Have you seen them CJ?”

“On numerous occasions.” CJ muttered.

“I’ve only seen the more recent photos.” Carol spoke up, a little disappointed.

“No more chatting. We have work to do.” CJ snapped, motioning for Carol to leave her office. “I have to see Leo in two hours, then you can all stand around in Margaret’s office and chat.”

“Donna’s planning on asking for her own office.”

“Donna is always asking for something new.” CJ quipped. “And your office is fine the way it is.”

“I have no door. You’re a horrible employer.”

“I don’t count, because I don’t pay you.” CJ smiled, and the door closed. “You’ve just been invited to the secret secretaries’ gossip session.”

“Is that fun?” Alex asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I don’t know, I’m never really involved.”


“Basically when we all go to see Leo, our assistants make their way over because they’re sick of having no one to bug. They join Leo’s assistant in water cooler gossip, White House style.”

“That sounds interesting.”

“I’m sure they’d love to have you there.” CJ laughed as she stood and picked up her notepad. “Let’s go see The President.”

“I don’t think he’s up yet.” Alex informed her as she stood up and followed CJ. “He wasn’t up when I had breakfast.”

“If he’s not in, then I wait until he’s in.” CJ replied. She walked quickly but Alex found it easy to keep up with her. “Have you met Mrs Landingham?”

“Yeah, I met her a few days ago. She’s very nice.” Alex smiled as they neared the Oval Office. “She gave me a cookie.”

“Well that’s a very good start. Toby usually doesn’t get a cookie.”

“Really?” Alex raised an eyebrow. “Toby sounds grumpy.” Her words were followed by laughter from her companion.

“Yeah, wait till you actually meet him. He’s even more fun then.” Her sarcastic words came to a halt as they stopped at Mrs Landingham’s desk. “Good morning Mrs Landingham.”

“He’s waiting for you CJ.” She nodded towards the open door.

“Thankyou, do you mind if Alex stays with you?”

“Of course not, have a cookie Alex. Don’t hold back, you need some meat on you.” Mrs Landingham opened the jar for Alex. “She’s like you CJ.”

“Excuse me Mrs Landingham?”

“How tall are you Alexandra?’

“I’m not really sure ma’am.” Alex frowned, looking at CJ.

“You look around the same height, if not a little shorter than CJ, who is…”

“Six foot.” CJ supplied for her, not sure what was happening.

“I’m just saying, you’re both tall and you’re both rather thin.” Mrs Landingham told them as she stood up and walked towards the door to the Oval Office.

“I think the lack of weight has to do with our height.” Alex told her, taking a bite out of her cookie. Mrs Landingham announced CJ and she disappeared into the Oval Office. “You really think we look alike Mrs Landingham?” Alex asked as she sat down.

“You share a few mannerisms too. Nancy agrees with me, don’t you Nancy?”

“Ah, yes Mrs Landingham.” Nancy replied as she walked into their office, causing Alex to laugh. “What am I agreeing to?” She asked quietly.

“That CJ and I are alike.” Alex laughed, before considering it for a moment. “I like it.”


“Are you looking forward to meeting the rest of the Bartlet family?” Margaret asked.

“Yeah, it should be heaps of fun.” Alex answered as if it should have been obvious. She found herself cornered by a group of women all wanting to know how she was, and what was happening in her life.

“Everyone let Alex breathe.” Carol caused over the noise from where she sat on the edge of Margaret’s desk. “You’re all acting like she’s a newborn baby.”

“That’s unfair.” Everyone seemed to agree with Donna. “You’ve been hanging out with her all morning.”

“Actually, I’ve spent the morning with CJ.” Alex replied, starting to feel left out of the conversation that seemed to be all about her. “After all, that’s where I told Abbey I’d be. So I can’t go somewhere she’s not, within reason.” She smiled as Carol tried to hide a grin. She’d been commenting on Alex acting as CJ’s shadow every time the two had left the office together. Alex seemed content to be just that. She’d move silently through the room, right behind her new mentor. Even her mannerisms would echo CJ’s at times.

“She has, I’ve tried to kidnap her numerous times. CJ hardly let’s me anywhere near her.” Grabbing a cookie from the box on the desk, Carol winked in Alex’s direction.

“CJ seems a little off lately.” Ginger spoke up.

“Well Toby’s not his usual self either.” Carol frowned, instantly taking the comment as an attack on her boss.

“It’s just an observation Carol.” Bonnie spoke up. “Have you noticed they’ve hardly spoken to one another?” The cookies were finally being passed around again, and Bonnie’s attention disappeared into the box.

“Are they a couple?” Alex asked, causing everyone to fall silent. She raised an eyebrow. “I just thought…”

“They’ve known each other for years.” Carol informed her.

“No one really knows how long…” Bonnie began to say, but was interrupted by Ginger as she sat down next to Alex.

“But they’ve always been very close.” She said quietly.

“They were engaged at some point.” Carol mentioned, without really thinking.

“What?” Everyone turned their attention on Carol, and Alex was grateful for the break. After all, Carol’s information was much more intriguing.

“Why didn’t you tell us this?” Margaret asked.

“I thought we agreed we’d tell each other everything.” Donna pouted, seeming upset over the whole thing. “I’m always the last to know these things.”

“It’s because you’re too interested in what Josh is doing.” Margaret said quietly.

“We have to go.” Ginger suddenly yelped, looking at her wrist watch.

“What, why?” Alex asked Carol as they started moving. She still hadn’t quite worked out how a typical morning worked for the Assistants of the Senior Staff.

“Because the Staff Meeting will be over and we need to be ready for when everyone come out.” There were two voices distinctly heard arguing from behind a door as they passed. From memory, Alex knew that it was another door to the Oval Office.

“Is that CJ in there?” Alex asked quietly.

“Yeah, which means it will be better to go back to the office and wait for her.”


“Trust me AJ, going into her office before playing mind games with the press will be the best thing for her.” Carol replied as they walked away from the Oval Office.

“What do you think she’s arguing about?”

“It could be anything if Toby’s in on it.” Carol replied, not really taking notice of what she was saying. Alex frowned, she still hadn’t met Toby and it seemed like it wasn’t something to look forward to.


“Damn it, give up.” CJ growled as she walked into her office, slamming the door behind her. For a moment all Toby could do was stand there and stare at the door. She’d never slammed a door in his face before.

“You must be Toby.” He turned to find a familiar face looking at him. Her blue eyes captivated him, but his expression didn’t show it. “I’m Alex.”

“Toby Ziegler, Communications Director.” He shook hands with the girl. He’d only seen her in passing, but to have her there in front of him… the child could not look more like CJ if she tried.

“I’ve heard a lot about you Mr Ziegler.” Alex raised an eyebrow as she noticed he was taking in her appearance. She suddenly felt too casual in the clothes she was wearing. Maybe she should have been wearing something a little more formal, if she dressed up he wouldn’t be looking at her in the way he was. The problem being, she couldn’t work out what the look meant.

“Likewise…” Toby muttered as he noticed Carol watching him carefully. “CJ’s going to need you in a minute.”

“I know.” Carol nodded. She watched as Toby took another look at Alex and left the room. Something was wrong. There was something going on in The West Wing that she was unaware of, and it was annoying the hell out of her.

Chapter 6

character: ensemble, fan fiction series: the jackal, type: fan fiction, show: the west wing, character: toby ziegler, character: claudia jean cregg

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