The West Wing - The Jackal 6/?

Nov 23, 2007 14:17

Title: The Jackal - Chapter 6
Pairing: CJ/Toby
Rating: Teen... to be safe.
Summary: After being admitted to hospital, Abbey meets and decides to adopt a fourteen-year-old girl. But there may be something more to this rogue orphan… can The First Lady help her? AU

Monday October 31st

“So the girls are arriving on Friday…” Abbey spoke up as they ate lunch.

“And I hoped to have a relaxing weekend.” Jed chuckled, sparking soft laughter from both Alex and Zoey. “To what do we owe the pleasure of a house full of women?”

“You already have a house full of women Dad.” Zoey informed him, passing her plate to Alex who quickly removed the salad. “And considering the amount of women in The White House, you shouldn’t be complaining. Alex agrees with me.”

“Don’t bring me into this.” Alex sang as she handed the plate back.

“Smart move kid, how’s your day with CJ been?” He asked, thinking it wise to change the subject. “It’s a bit different around here at the beginning of the week.”

“I’m really enjoying the whole inside look at what goes on in The White House.” Alex replied, grinning wildly as she ate. “Carol looks after me when CJ’s got important meeting I can’t sit in. I love watching her do the Press Briefings, although I have to stand back so the press don’t see me. But don’t you think it’s cool how easily she can manipulate these people and get what she wants out of them while being able to stop them from sniffing around something completely…”

“Alex…” Abbey said softly, reaching across the table to hold the girl’s hand.

“I’m talking too much.” Alex sighed, wishing she could stop that habit. She wasn’t sure what is was, but she suddenly felt the need to tell her new family everything. It was possibly to do with how excited she was. The novelty still hadn’t worn off. “It’s a lot of fun to be working with CJ, that’s all.”

“I agree with you Alex.” Zoey gently nudged the younger girl with her elbow. “Wait till you get older, she’s so much fun to drink with and…”

“ZOEY!” Both Abbey and Jed exclaimed.

“What?” Zoey looked a little shocked by their outburst. “I was going to say she’s fun to talk to about boys.”

“Yes Zoey because Claudia Jean has a brilliant track record…” Jed muttered.

“JED!” Abbey slapped his shoulder.

“Dad that’s mean.”

“Oh, you both know it and so does she.” Jed defended himself. “In fact she said so to me one of the numerous nights’ she’s been set up with men.” He frowned towards Abbey.

“I have never steered her wrong. Each man is good looking and well educated…” Abbey began, holding her head high as she continued.

“They admire her as a woman, and respect her job as White House Press Secretary. Most of them are also a good Zodiac match too.”

“Did your ouija board locate them?” Jed asked sarcastically.

“No…” Abbey hesitated, glancing at Alex with a mischievous smile.

“Abbey, where do you find these men?”

“Looking for love dot com.” She answered quickly. Seeing Jed’s eyes widen, she knew she’d have to explain. “Not all of them. Some of them I genuinely meet through friends, and besides it was Carol’s idea.”

“Don’t put this onto Carol.”

“Actually, I wouldn’t put it past her.” Alex interrupted. “Carol does get a bit too involved in CJ’s personal life.”

“I know, but that’s not the point.” Jed told her. “The point is that The First Lady has placed some sort of advertisement on the internet regarding someone I think of as one of my own children.”

“And you don’t think that I think of her as a daughter too?”

“This is where they forget we exist.” Zoey whispered to Alex.

“You wouldn’t put anyone else’s information on a computer in order to get them a date. It’s a direct elimination of her privacy.” Jed countered. “Does she even know about it?”

“Of course not, it would defeat the purpose.”

“Tell me Abigail, if CJ was to know about this, what do you think she would do?” Jed placed his fork on his plate and waited patiently for the reply.

“She’d probably ask us to take it down.”

“You think she’d be quiet about it?”

“Possibly…” Abbey wanted desperately for the conversation to come to an end. For once she had no high ground and it was becoming frustrating.

“Do you remember when I asked Leo to hire Ainsley Hayes?”


“Do you remember CJ’s reaction?”

“Yes.” Abbey sighed, realising what he meant. “Leo said she screamed at him in a room full of people.”

“My advice to you is, don’t tell her in a room full of people.” Jed smiled to himself and continued with his lunch. There was silence in the room for a moment.

“May I be excused from the table?” Alex suddenly asked. “I promised CJ I’d be back by two o’clock.” Both Jed and Abbey nodded.

“I might go with Alex.” Zoey said as she finished off her lunch.

“She already has Kate.” Jed raised an eyebrow, motioning towards the Secret Service Agent who had just appeared by the door.

“I want to talk to Alex about some stuff.”

“Go ahead. I have to get going anyway.” All three stood, leaving Abbey still sitting at the table. She watched them leave the room and sighed.

“I’ll just sit here then.” She muttered to herself. “Don’t worry about me, there’s CJ and midterms. I’m fine, really although I am talking to myself.” She rubbed her hand against the back of her neck and thought for a moment. She had to talk to CJ and organise a DNA test. Most importantly, Alex had to be informed of CJ’s suspicions.


“Hey CJ,” Zoey grinned as she walked into the office, followed closely by Alex. “Having a fun time with my new little sister?”

“So, I take it there’s no sibling rivalry as of yet?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Of course not, who could possibly argue with me?” Alex flashed a cheeky smile and collapsed onto the couch. “Although Zoey followed me down here, I think she’s worried I’ll steal something.”

“I am not!” Zoey laughed. “Just wanted to get away from Mom and Dad…”

“Something wrong?” CJ leaned forward. She was a little curious as to what was happening in the Residence, now that Alex had settled in.

“Mom’s had something on her mind all weekend.” Zoey shrugged. She glanced at Alex. “We’ve been avoiding both of them, because they’ve been clashing frequently.”

“Oh…” She could think of a good reason Abbey’s mind was elsewhere. Maybe it was time she finally had a talk with Alex, but she’d have to talk to Abbey again first.

“What’s on your mind, Ceej?” Cocking her head to one side, Alex focused solely on the older woman. Her brow furrowed in a way that reminded CJ of Toby when he was concentrating on a speech.

“I just realised I’m supposed to be meeting with The First Lady to continue a discussion we had last week.”

“When I was beating her at Monopoly?”

“You were beating Mom at Monopoly?” Zoey asked in shock. “Wait, we have Monopoly?”

“Yeah, it was buried under all these other games.” Alex shrugged. She looked between CJ and Zoey. “Was I supposed to let her win?”

“No, no.” Zoey shook her head quickly. “I’m just surprised that’s all. Only two other people have dared to beat my mother at any game.”


“Liz and, of course, CJ,” Zoey sighed and looked up to where Gina was looking at her watch. “I think I have a lecture to get to. Gina’s been checking her watch for the past few minutes.” She rolled her eyes as she headed for the door.

“Don’t fall asleep.” CJ teased.

“It’s McCoy, I can’t help it.” Zoey shrugged playfully and disappeared out the door.

“McCoy sounds boring.” Alex sighed, watching Gail stare back at her.

“It seems that way.” CJ replied.

“CJ,” Carol appeared in the doorway, looking a little confused. “Abbey’s on her way down, she says it’s time.”

“Thank you Carol,” CJ sighed, standing up and straightening her skirt. “Alex, can you tidy up those files for me?” She nodded towards the papers strewn across the room.

“What’s it time for?”

“The continuation of our discussion,” Was the response.

“Should I sit outside with Carol?”

“No, no,” Abbey appeared in the doorway, a sly smile on her face. “I requested that Carol be called ten minutes after I left my office, just to catch you trying to clean.”

“Well, you caught me.” CJ shrugged. “Have a seat Abbey.” She motioned to the sofa as she sat back down at her desk.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to leave?” Alex asked quietly, her backpack ready on her shoulder for a quick escape.

“We would actually like to talk to you.” Abbey replied. She moved over a little as the young girl sat next to her. “We think we may have found your mother.” She began delicately, looking to CJ for support.

“Really?” Alex glanced between the two women, a slight frown darkening her bright eyes. Her mind desperately sorted through the questions that wanted to spill out of her mouth. “You only ‘think’ you may have found her?” She asked cautiously. Not wanting to get too excited on a whim.

“Well, the person in question has no doubt that you are her daughter.” CJ offered, noticing Abbey was a little lost for words. “But Abbey has suggested getting a DNA test, just to be positive. Would you be okay with that?”

“It would probably be better for us to get the test before we meet, right?” Alex looked hopefully at Abbey, under the impression that she held all the answers to her multitude of questions. “That way neither of us has really met, and we won’t be disappointed if we don’t get the outcome we want. Unless…”

“She has already met you, Alex.” Abbey confirmed with a curt nod of her head. “And to be honest, I noticed a resemblance when I first saw you.” Her glance trailed to CJ and Alex frowned.

“CJ?” Her eyes widened as she turned to her friend. All she received in reply was a slight shrug. She opened her mouth to say something and then thought better of it. Again she turned to Abbey, before risking another glance at CJ. “Excuse me for a moment.” She muttered quietly and walked out of the room, pulling the door shut behind her with a strong thud.

“That went well.” CJ sighed, leaning back in her chair and pinching the bridge of her nose. She closed her eyes tight in a desperate hope that it was all a bad dream.

“It wasn’t the worst case scenario.” Abbey told her sincerely, standing up and walking over to the door. She moved the blinds slightly and took in the sight of Alex discussing a magazine with Carol. Just like CJ and Toby, she’d act as though everything was fine until it all bubbled to the surface. “Give her some time, she’ll come around.”

“She hates me for not saying anything. Hell, Abbey, I hate me for that, so it’s understandable.”

“Spend the weekend with her, this weekend even.” Abbey offered. “That gives Jed and I a chance to talk to the rest of our immediate family before they meet Alexandra.”

“I can’t do this weekend.” CJ groaned, finally opening her eyes. She watched Abbey glance through the blinds again. “My best bet is to have her sleep over at my place on Saturday night, and we can hang out on Sunday.” Her attention was drawn to what must be outside, and Abbey noticed it in her eyes.

“Alex is mucking around with Carol.” Abbey informed her. “She’s avoiding what’s right in front of her until she really has to deal with it. I know two people who do that a lot.”

“What if it doesn’t work out?” There was a slight quiver in CJ’s voice as she spoke. She felt as though something had caught in her throat.

“If it doesn’t work out, Jed and I will finalise the adoption papers with your consent.” Abbey shrugged, biting her lip slightly. “We’ll see if anyone else in the Senior Staff wants to get to know Alex over the weekend. Then it won’t seem too unusual to anyone waiting for a story to come from Alexandra’s biological family. She’ll come around Claudia Jean. Keep your faith.” Smiling, Abbey disappeared out the door with the young girl in question hot on her heels.

“Oh god, I hope you’re right.” Letting her head drop onto the desk, CJ groaned.

Chapter 7

character: ensemble, fan fiction series: the jackal, type: fan fiction, show: the west wing, character: toby ziegler, character: claudia jean cregg

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