The West Wing - The Jackal 3/?

Nov 23, 2007 15:28

Title: The Jackal - Chapter 3
Pairing: CJ/Toby
Rating: Teen... to be safe.
Summary: After being admitted to hospital, Abbey meets and decides to adopt a fourteen-year-old girl. But there may be something more to this rogue orphan… can The First Lady help her? AU

Tuesday, October 24th

“Hello?” Came a croaky voice, filled with sleep.

“Hello Amy.” Responded Abbey’s voice.

“Mrs Bartlet?”

“Did I wake you up?” Abbey asked innocently, while glancing at her watch and realising it was midnight.

“Ah no, ma’am.” Amy answered slowly, trying her best to sound like she was awake.

“Right. Amy, I need you to help me with something.”

“Of course.” Amy grabbed her notepad on her bedside table and the pen off the floor. “Let’s hear it.”


“She’s bringing the kid home?” Josh asked as he, Sam, CJ and Toby followed Leo to the Oval Office.

“So it seems.” Leo muttered.

“Can she do that?” Josh asked CJ.

“I guess so. I mean, she is The First Lady and a doctor…” CJ answered, although unsure of the answer. “What do I tell the Press?”

“If they ask.” Toby interjected as they walked.

“Of course they are going to ask.” CJ responded. “The First Lady goes to the hospital and comes back with an orphan? That’s bringing up questions in Josh’s mind. The Press will have a field day.”

“Hey!” Josh exclaimed, realising he’d just been insulted.

“She’s allowed to insult you, following the rubber dart incident.” Sam informed the Deputy Chief of Staff.

“Ooh, you still have major payback coming for that.” CJ grinned wickedly.

“What’s the rubber dart incident?” Leo asked cautiously.

“Josh was mucking around with one of those toy dart guns…” Toby began.

“The ones with the suction caps.” CJ muttered, glaring at Josh.

“And he hit CJ with one.” Sam added.

“Which wasn’t really that bad, but I had a horrible red mark on my arm.” CJ explained as Sam continued.

“A second one hit Gail’s bowl and almost knocked it to the floor.”

“You almost killed Gail?” Leo stopped the procession and raised an eyebrow at Josh.

“It was an accident.” Josh shrugged innocently. “She didn’t die.”

“I should have you arrested on grounds of attempted murder.” CJ grumbled as they began walking again.

“It’s a fish Ceej!”

“Gail is a trusted friend. She listens to me.” CJ frowned at him.

“Only because she can’t get away…” Toby sarcastically replied, immediately followed by the sound of CJ slapping him in the back of the head. They stopped outside the Oval Office.

“Is he in?” Leo asked Mrs Landingham as they stood around her desk.

“You know standing like that you make for a very intimidating bunch.” Mrs Landingham frowned looking up at the four people towering over her. Her eyes lingered on CJ. “Particularly you CJ.”

“I’m sorry my height’s an issue, Mrs Landingham.” CJ answered, sounding like a child.

“Well, he’s in his office. Go right on in.”

“You don’t want to tell him we’re coming in?” Josh raised an eyebrow.

“Oh no.” Mrs Landingham answered. “Notice the door is closed? He’s not speaking to me, because I won’t let him have scotch before lunch.”

“Wise decision…” Josh muttered as he followed his colleagues into the Oval Office.

“Mr President.” Leo greeted as he entered the room. Jed was immediately out of his seat.

“I was just about to call you in for morning tea.”

“An excuse to drink scotch before lunch, sir?” CJ quipped.

“Now Claudia Jean, where would you get an idea like that?” Jed smiled, directing her to sit down. “What can I do for you all?”

“We’re here to talk about Abbey’s ‘welcome home’ gift.” Toby muttered as he sat down.


“That’s her name?” CJ asked and at Jed’s nod she continued. “That’s a really beautiful name, sir.”

“It is.” Jed agreed. “She’s fourteen years old and she’s going to be staying in the Residency.”

“Sir, have you and The First Lady talked this through? Amy says it only came up last night.” Josh spoke up.

“It did only come up last night. Abbey called me at some ungodly hour.” Jed explained. “We need to contact the orphanage and sign documents and all those other silly legal matters.”

“You’re actually going to adopt her?” Leo asked.

“Why not?” Jed shrugged, not seeing any problem with the matter. “She’s a good kid, according to Abbey. We do all trust my wife’s judgement don’t we?” He raised an eyebrow, surveying the group.

“Of course.” They all answered at once, although some sounding a little uncertain.

Wednesday, October 25th

As the private car turned in the gate to The White House Alex slid down in her seat. Reporters were standing at the gate taking photos of every movement the car made.

“They can’t see you.” Abbey smiled as Alex sat up a bit straighter.

“Why are they here?”

“They’re here for you.”

“Really?” Alex looked shocked. “They just want to see me?”

“You’re all over the news this morning.” Abbey told the girl, handing her a newspaper. Cautiously Alex read over the headline.

“So I’m a ‘mystery girl’ being ‘taken in’ by The First Lady?”

“It seems so.” Abbey sighed. “You’re okay with that aren’t you?”

“Oh sure, I’ve always wanted to change my name to something more mystifying.” Alex quipped, a smile gracing her lips.

“Your sense of humour is going to fit right in here.” Abbey rolled her eyes. She put an arm around Alex and gave her a hug. “You’ll be fine.” She whispered.

Earlier in the morning…

“We’re not supposed to be making a big thing about this.” CJ and Toby both argued as they followed Josh to the Residency.

“If you were a fourteen year old kid coming home from hospital, wouldn’t you want a big party?” Josh shrugged. His two colleagues grabbing his arms halted him.

“Josh, your idea of a party would not be welcomed by The President.” Toby assured him.

“Or Abbey for that matter.” CJ added.

“Exactly.” Came Amy’s voice as she joined them. “Your idea of a party is that of a teenage boy.”

“Never heard you complain.” Josh joked. Playfully Amy kicked his leg.

“No parties Josh. Promise me.” CJ frowned.

“None whatsoever?” He asked cautiously, hoping he could possibly slot one it at some point.

“None whatsoever.” CJ, Toby and Amy replied in unison.

“Fine.” Josh muttered in a angry child-like way, and disappeared to find Sam and Donna. They’d know what to do.


People were standing at the entrance to The White House and they were making Alex feel a little scared. She could easily identify the main person awaiting her arrival. “What do I do Abbey?” She asked quickly as their car began to slow.

“Be yourself. The polite and courteous girl I know and love.” Abbey smiled and gave the girl a quick hug. “Your extensive knowledge of The White House and the Bartlet Administration should help in this situation. If you meet someone you don’t recognise and they’re asking you questions…”

“Don’t talk to them.” Alex smiled as the car pulled to a stop and the passenger doors were opened for them to exit the vehicle. Standing, Alex waited for Abbey to join her.

“Let’s do this.” Abbey whispered as they walked up the stairs, and Alex found herself face to face with the President of the United States.

“You must be Alexandra.” Jed smiled as the girl stood before him.

“Alexandra Whittle, Mr President, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“The pleasure is mine, Miss Whittle. You can call me Jed.” The two shook hands. “Why don’t we take this inside and leave the media at the gate?”

“I think that’s a brilliant idea sir… I mean, Jed.” Alex laughed. “It looks like it’s going to rain.” She mentioned as they began to walk inside, Abbey beside them.

“Jed, honey, I thought everyone would be here to greet Alex.” Abbey spoke up as they made their way to the residency.

“Ah yes, well our extended family are waiting for us…”

“They’re not!” Abbey exclaimed. Following the couple at a slower pace, Alex tried not to listen into their conversation.

“Josh broke through. The others tried to stop him, and I actually agree with him on this one.”

“Jed, you can’t honestly…”

“I know…” Jed stopped abruptly and turned to face Alex. “Tell me Alexandra, do you like the idea of a surprise party to celebrate your arrival here?”

“Yes Sir.” Alex frowned a little. “But if it is a surprise shouldn’t it be kept a secret from me?”

“Forget we had this conversation.”

“Conversation completely erased from my memory.” She winked and they continued.

“Good girl.” Jed chuckled. “You know Abbey I think we should get rid of the other three and just raise this one as our own.”

“I’m sure they’d appreciate that Jed.” Abbey replied with a smirk.

“Let’s hurry.” Alex grinned, urging her new foster parents to get a move on. “I have a party to get to that I shouldn’t know about!” She continued down the hallway, not really caring if they followed but knowing they would.

“Does she remind you of anyone?” Jed asked, frowning a little. There was something very familiar about Alex, but he couldn't quite work it out.

“Only every child I’ve every met honey.” Rolling her eyes, Abbey followed after the girl with Jed by her side. “But you’re right there is something familiar about her. That’s why we’re going to find out her background.”

“And what if it doesn’t want to be found?”

“Then she’ll always have us. I promised her that.”


“Miss Alexandra Jane Bartlet.” Jed began as they reached the residency, receiving a huge smile from the girl in question. “You’re about to meet the strangest bunch of people that could ever be assembled in one room. This is our extended family.” He opened the doors and all hell broke loose. There was cheering and there were balloons.

“I tried to stop them Abbey.” CJ grabbed her attention from where she was standing close by, while Jed was introducing everyone to Alex.

“Oh it’s fine CJ.” Abbey waved off her apology. “Besides, Alex is enjoying it.”

“And how are you ma’am?”

“Enjoying the fact that you’ve been ensuring I don’t get trampled by the media.” Abbey chuckled, squeezing CJ’s hand.

“Anything I can do to make you feel loved.”

“Of course…” Abbey paused for a minute, watching Alex trying to find someone in the crowd. “Now, I have someone that really wants to meet you.”

“I’d love to, but I was supposed to help Toby…”

“CJ Cregg, you’re going to meet Alex.” Abbey told her firmly. “Why isn’t Toby here?”

“He’s writing a speech and won’t stop until he gets it right.” CJ rolled her eyes.

“That’s our Toby.” Abbey smiled as she escorted CJ over to their new arrival. “Alex, I have someone here you’d like to meet.”

“No way.” Alex spun on her heel to find herself face to face with CJ. “Miss Cregg, it’s an honour to meet you.”

“Please call me CJ.” She laughed and shook hands with Alex. “I don’t usually get such a good welcome unless I’m talking to a member of the press.”

“CJ, I’ve followed your career for so long.” Alex wished she could just button up her mouth and stop making a fool of herself, but she just couldn’t. “You’re an inspiration to the women of this country. I’ve wanted to be like you since I was ten.”

“Well then, Alex, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” CJ laughed. “You’re going to be so good for my ego, which I’m sure I don’t have… but people say I do.”

“Anything to help out” Alex grinned.

“I told Alex you might let her spend a few days with you at work.” Abbey informed CJ, hoping her idea would go down well. “She’s very interested in the media and their relationship with The White House.”

“No problem.” CJ shrugged. “Just show up when you want kiddo.”

“Okay. Thanks CJ.”

“Don’t mention it.” CJ grinned. “Now, as I said, I have to go annoy Toby…”

“I have a feeling everyone will be getting back to work soon Claudia Jean.” Jed joined the group of women with a chuckle.

“Of course, Sir, The White House won’t run itself.” CJ replied as she left the room.

Chapter Four

character: ensemble, fan fiction series: the jackal, type: fan fiction, show: the west wing, character: toby ziegler, character: claudia jean cregg

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