Don’t Let Go (TamaHaru)

Apr 21, 2007 23:10

Title: Don’t Let Go
Pairing: TamaHaru
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything

Someone asked her once why she chose Tamaki instead of all the other men in her life.

“He doesn’t seem to fit you, Haruhi. He seems a little too…excitable for you.”

Haruhi didn’t answer, but that doesn’t mean she disagrees. Tamaki has never really been the perfect fit.

Sometimes she feels like their mixed matched puzzles pieces. The ones that only hold together by smashing the pieces into slots that never really stay right.

But the thing Haruhi knows about smashing two mix matched pieces of a puzzle together… is the fact that once you’ve manhandled them to fit, the only way to get them unstuck is to damage a piece in the process.

And Haruhi knows without a shadow of a doubt, she’d be the one that received the damage.

She might roll her eyes when she comes home and her husband runs to her side and swipes her off her feet.

She might call him a baka when he clings to her and tells her over and over again how much he loves her.

She might sigh when he cries at commercials, and frown when he brings home bag after bag of ‘commoner’ food.

But once, six months ago, Tamaki was called away for business for two weeks and she was left alone without him.

No excited, sloppy kisses, no tears over commercials about families, no whispered endearments, no swinging in his arms…No bright, smiling face.

It was the longest two weeks of Haruhi’s life.

She’s knows she’s a reserved woman, she knows that she rolls her eyes at the romance and cuddles…but he drags her into his world and behind her rolling eyes… Haruhi is begging him never to let her go.
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