Moments (KyoHaru)

Apr 20, 2007 22:03

Title: Moments
Fandom: Ouran Host Club
Pairing: Kyo/Haru
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything
Rating: PG-13 for now
Summary: Just a moment in Kyoya and Haruhi’s marriage.

Moment One: Lover's Spat

Haruhi slammed down his laptop and gave him a murderous glare.

“Did you just hear what I told you?!”

Kyoya pushed up his glasses, his face void of all emotions.

“Yes, and it’s an inter…”

Haruhi reached out before he could finish his sentence and covered his mouth with her hand.

“Kyoya,” she stated calmly, even though she was visibly shaking with anger, “if you say I brought up an interesting view, one more time, I might just have to kill you!”

Kyoya raised a single brow and his eyes began to dance with amusement. He gently removed her hand from his mouth.

“Are you saying I over use the statement, my dear?”

Haruhi gave him a look that clearly screamed, “you’re kidding me, right?”

He chuckled and raised his hands up in a sign of defeat.

“Fine, fine,” he said as he stood up from his office chair.

He walked over to the couch in his office and grabbed the suit jacket that he had placed there a few hours before.

As he put on his jacket, he glanced at his wife to calculate the amount of time and effort he’d have to put into the situation to ensure she didn’t demand he slept in the south wing of the mansion tonight.

He could tell by the way her eyes were narrowed that he’d have to pull out the big guns tonight.

He pulled out his cell phone and gave her a smile as he ordered the chef to make sure there was fresh Ootoro when they got home.

Haruhi shook her head as she turned on her heels and made her way to the door, “don’t think I’ll let you off that easy, Kyoya.”

He smiled as he walked over and opened the door, “I’d never presume anything, my dear.”


Moment Two: Drained

It was dark in their bedroom when Haruhi walked in, so dark she almost tripped over the suit jacket that was lying on the floor.

She reached down and picked it up, smoothing it down as she turned on the light.

She saw him sitting in the huge overstuffed chair near their bed, with his head in his hands.

“Migraine?” she asked as she walked over to their closet and put away his jacket.

He grunted his response and she nodded her head as she turned the lights off again.

“You know,” she whispered into the dark room as she walked over to him, “one can not live off coffee and money alone.”

She knelt at his feet and placed her head in his lap.

She felt him sit up straight and place his hand on the top of her head. He didn’t say anything; she knew he was probably in too much pain to speak out loud.

After a moment, she got up and walked over to their on suite bathroom to grab a face cloth.

As she wet the cloth with cold water, she stared at herself in the mirror. She looked as tired as she felt and Kyoya’s migraines were becoming too common.

As she walked over to her husband and helped him stand up, her heart ached at the tiny sound of pain that escaped his lips.

She quickly helped him into bed and placed the wet cloth on his forehead.

“Get some rest, Kyoya.” She whispered as she leaned down and kissed his overheated cheek.

It was hours later that Kyoya woke up to find his wife still dressed in her work suit cuddled next to him.

He noticed the dark circles under her eyes and frowned.

“Haruhi,” he said as he placed his hand on her shoulder and shook her wake.

“Hmm,” she muttered cuddling in closer to his heat.

“Let’s take a vacation?”

He watched her brown eyes slowly blink open and a small smile grace her beautiful face.

“Where would you like to go?” he asked.

Haruhi stretched like a big lazy cat before she shrugged, “anywhere, just as long as you get time to relax.”

He chuckled, finding it rather sweet that they were both concerned for the other.

“How about Fuji?”

Harhui’s eyes grew bigger than life and Kyoya understood why everyone found his wife so enchanting

“Really?” she squeaked with excitement, “I’ve never been.”

Kyoya nodded his head and gave her a smile that reached his eyes. It made him look adorable.


Moment 3: Caught

Kyoya watched the front door for a few moments before he snickered and ran to the other side of the room where he stashed his drug of choice.

His fingers trembled as he opened the lid and a wicked smile appeared on his face as bright light come on, almost like magic, right before his eye.

The machine was waking up and his fingers were already tingling with the need to feel the cold plastic of the keyboard underneath them.

“Come on, come on,” he whispered to the laptop as it slowly booted up.

Kyoya nervously glanced at the front door, just for a moment, to make sure. He knew she said she’d be gone for half an hour, but it never worked well for him when he underestimated her intelligence.

He knew it was his stupid idea to enforce the law that they wouldn’t do any work while they were on there vacation, but…he was an Ootori damn it….and he needed just a quick fix. Nothing much, just check his emails, and send some files to his assistant.

Just as the wireless began to pick up a connection, the front door to their hotel room opened up. Kyoya jumped up so fast that he almost let his precious treasure fall to the floor.

His wife stared at him with her hands on her hips and a frown on her face.

“H-haruhi, I swear this isn’t what it looks like!”


Moment 4: The Twins

Kyoya gave the twins a glare that could melt ice.

“You did WHAT?!”

The twins both took two huge steps back and glanced nervously at the tiny slip of a girl that was bouncing up and down and giving Kyoya a blatant come hither look.

“Well, see… she was so excited about the case and…three glasses of sake become five and before we knew it…” they both trialed off at the same time when Haruhi stumbled over to her husband and stage whispered.

“I got drunk.”

Kyoya raised his left brow when his wife winked at him and ran her hand down his chest.

“You look good enough to eat, Kyo.”

The three men’s eyes and mouths went wide. Kyoya even made a point of shaking his head once to make sure he heard his wife correctly.

He watched utterly flabbergasted as his extremely reserved wife leaned up and smelled his neck.

“You smell sooo good, baby.”

“Right,” he said in a high pitched squeak, then cleared his voice before he pointed to the twins who were toppled over each other with laughter.

“You two get the hell out and don’t you dare mention this to a living soul!”

The two men nodded their heads as they tried to control their laughter and turned to walk away.

“Hey,” one of the twins said before grabbing his coat from the maid, “you can thanks us later, Kyo.”

Kyoya’s glare would have killed a weaker man before he bellowed, “GET THE HELL OUT!”

The twin’s laughter was still echoing off the walls as the dark haired man tried to pry his wife’s fingers away from his pant’s fly.

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