Last night, I ventured out with some local writing friends to talk plotting and NaNo. We drank froofy coffee drinks and discussed plots, with some flailing from the person writing epic fantasy for the first time.
I think she'll do better than she expects :-)
I was slightly intimidated by all the fantastic stories and plots being discussed, particularly the intricate themes and cool ideas people are working on. I'm just writing about libraries and families, with a romance subplot between my heroine and a lesbian dragon who is sometimes human. It's not exactly Tolstoy.
But everyone seemed pretty interested in my story, so I have hope yet. I might even have agreed to let people look at it when I've got a draft I'm semi-happy with.
Feel free to laugh, but letting local friends see my original fiction is way, way, way more intimidating than letting a whole bunch of strangers see my fanfic. I'm going to need to get past that inferiority thing sometime soon.
Tonight I plan to get some words in (on non-NaNo projects) and then try to catch up on some teevees. Co-worker M is so disappointed that I haven't seen OUaT yet. He'll be even more disappointed if I don't have time to watch Flash tonight. There will be epic pouting and woecakes tomorrow morning. That seems like a good excuse to veg out with the TV tonight :-)
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