News from the trenches...

Oct 27, 2014 09:10

In news that will shock nobody, last week was actually worse than the previous week. Still trying to process that one. There was a point on Thursday where I ended up begging someone to leave me alone for five minutes so I could eat a sandwich.

This point was 3.15pm on Thursday. I'd been given a last minute, two hour meeting over lunch and even though I got back to my desk at 2.15pm, nobody could seem to leave me alone long enough for me to stuff a sandwich in my gob.

And then I worked for what was supposed to be a couple of hours yesterday, and turned out to be a nine hour marathon. This week is going to be so long.

Please let it be an easier week.

The only positive to yesterday was that I got a lot of writing done during the gaps while nothing happened and we couldn't do anything.

My biggest writing day ever.

4.6k words.


Most of a chapter of Zombie Circus, plus finishing a short story I was writing as prep for my NaNo novel. The short story ended up a lot longer than planned* (it was 3.2k of those words) and it taught me a few things I didn't know before about two characters. So, that's a yay :-D

Tonight I'm going out with some local writing friends for some pre-NaNo plotting. I'm starting to think that I'm more of a plantser this year, rather than a pure pantser. I've done a lot of prep. Most of it in the form of short stories to figure out my characters and some background details. I know the beginning and end of my novel, but the middle will be an interesting discovery thing. Which is why I'm not completely pantsing, but not completely plotting, either.

All my local friends are strict plotters. Going to a plotting party with them will be interesting :-) It'll also make up for the fact that I can't make their kick-off party, which is on Sunday (when I'm busy) instead of Saturday (when I'm not busy). Argh. And here I thought that NaNo starting on a Saturday would let me get to the party!

So, that is the state of me on this bright and sunny Monday morning. Let's all hope for an easy week where I get to do interesting stuff like sleep and keep up with teevees, instead of the pattern of the last two weeks. Okay?

* I know, you're all so shocked that I ended up writing more than planned on something. Heh.

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nanowrimo, writing babble, work crap

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