The first weekend of NaNo is over, and I have ended up significantly ahead of where I'd hoped to be. Woo hoo! I'd been aiming to have 4k done, but I'm currently at 6,291 for two days of work, which gives me a nice buffer against anything work can throw at me this week.
I'm also through chapter two, which was something I'd been a bit nervous about. Chapter one was pretty solid in my mind--it's the hook chapter and I'd been itching to write it--but chapter two had a lot of work to do. It needed to introduce my MC's grown up home life (she's a child in chapter one), set her up in the real world library, and introduce several new characters to populate the world a bit.
That's a lot of heavy lifting. It's going to need to revisions because parts of the writing felt flat to me, but it's less terrible than I expected. Several minor characters acquired names and hints of personality. One of the big secondary characters jumped off the page for me, turning out to be much mouthier (and a bit swearier) than I expected, which is going to be fun to write.
An unplanned spooky end to the chapter appeared, which is hopefully going to make sense later but can always be revised out if it doesn't.
Despite all the short stories I wrote and the planning I did, I'm already discovering exciting new things about this book and the characters in it :-D
Chapter three starts today. A conversation for it has been running around my head for the last day or two, so I'm feeling ready to write it. This is also the chapter where I start to introduce the main big evil plotline, and I'm really looking forward to writing that.
This is definitely going better than I expected :-)
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