Well, that was an interesting thing

Apr 30, 2013 17:14

Dear Diary,

Today I got my first anonymous message about Having The Wrong Opinion About Something (TM) on Tumblr. It's been an interesting experience.

I'm slightly disappointed it was due to a Teen Wolf thought that wasn't even my full, irritated opinion on why I dislike Scott McCall as a character. The anonymous complainer probably would have cried if I'd listed all the reasons I'm not keen on Scott and most of them aren't actually about Stiles being a more interesting character to me. They're mostly about the way Scott is written to keep making absolutely idiotic life choices that make me want to throw things at the screen because anyone with two brain cells to rub together wouldn't do those things.

And also about the way his character has exactly one setting: lovelorn woeful boypain.

The part where Stiles appears to be the only character with any degree of intelligence or logic (and frankly, that's a bad sign because *Stiles* looks like the comparatively sensible one? Really? *Stiles*?) isn't actually why I'm mind blown that Scott is the lead character.

It's every other aspect to Scott's character that makes vacillate between total boredom and mild dislike toward him. And if 95% of a fandom has latched onto another character to the extent where anyone who hasn't watched the show would be surprised to find out that:

a) There's a character called Scott and
b) He's the lead character, not Stiles

then there is probably a major problem here and the problem isn't with Stiles. It's with the way the writers are writing the lead character and the fact that most people are struggling to find anything positive to say about him. And as Tumblrites aren't allowed to say anything negative about characters, they don't say anything at all and thus it appears to casual (and not so casual) onlookers that Stiles and Derek are the coleads of the series and there isn't a character called Scott at all.

See, Diary? I keep my Scott feels on a leash on Tumblr compared to how I really feel :-D


PS. I'm disappointed that my anonymous complainer wasn't giving me "Ew! Clint/Couslon!" or generalised "Ew! Slash!" flames because those would be so much more fun to respond to.

PPS. For a show I keep denying I'm being sucked into, I have some strong feels.

PPPS. Please tell me Scott improved marginally in season two. Please. I've read the episode recaps and boggled a little at them - he can't really be that much of an idiot, can he?

PPPPS. I guess I'll have to liveblog my season two Teen Wolf watch here and nowhere on Tumblr, not even untagged on Tumblr, in case I Have A Wrong (But Popular) Opinion again.

This entry was originally posted at http://selenay.dreamwidth.org/491854.html. There are currently
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