How did it get to be May already? HOW?
We've now started the official countdown to the first major production deployment of a large chunk of Project Doom at the end of the month. It's going to be a huge complicated deployment of many new tables, table changes, and a couple of hundred objects for the ETL scripts and that's just my end of things. The team working on the source application have even more stuff to deploy and it's all happening over a weekend.
My co-lead on the project doesn't think we'll be needed that weekend because the DBAs and change management team should be able to handle it all. Excuse me while I laugh my ass off.
In other news...
Signups for
marvel_bang open today! Author signups are open for the next week, artist signups are open for a lot longer than that. If you write or art in any Marvel universe (films, comics, animation) then this is the Big Bang for you! :-D
Unsurpisingly I'm signing up to write Avengers. I've had this Edwardian slightly steampunkish AU fic outlined for a while and that's what I'm currently planning on doing. The idea of getting art based on this one makes me slightly giddy and happy, heh :-D
I really love the Big Bang ficathon concept. This will be my fourth time taking part in one and I've enjoyed the experience every time. Yes, even last year on my fourth round of betaing. It's a fun process to take part in and the fics that are produced for Big Bangs are usually pretty damn amazing.
So yes, I encourage anyone who thinks they can write over 10k of fic (MBB is a relatively low wordcount BB) or is a fanartist to go and sign up and join the madness.
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