Co-worker M returned from his trip to Florida today bearing the food of gods. White chocolate M&Ms. They're so pretty and pastel and delicious!
Why didn't I know about them before?
With half the team either sick or on vacation, there's been a high M&M to person ratio here. We're all sugared up and happy :-D
Seriously, why aren't white chocolate M&Ms a thing outside that one big place in Florida. WHY?
Also, I've been playing browser wars here again. Apparently whatever was blocking Chrome at work has now stopped blocking Chrome so I've been tinkering with it here. I may also give it a go at home, mostly to see what it does about synchronising between two installations when one is on a computer that blocks most useful sites and apps. Hmm.
On the up side, I have been able to get Feedly working on Chrome where it just didn't work on Firefox, so that's my replacement for Google Reader sorted out. I've been poking at Feedly on my iPad, but I wanted something that would work and synch across all platforms so I was considering a different solution if I couldn't get it working on my desktop. And now I don't have to do that :-D
Anyone got recs for apps and extensions that I should try out on Chrome?
Whatever stopped blocking Chrome also stopped blocking my Flash installation. Suddenly there are websites I can use that just didn't work before due to being entirely Flash based! I suspect it's all related to the new content blocking software that got installed a month ago. It helpfully blocks so many things. Social media of every flavour, I understand. Dropbox, I kind of get (although it's irritating). Fox News, I entirely support that being blocked provided BBC News stays accessible.
Tech on the Net? Seriously?? IN AN IT DEPARTMENT???
Good thing most of us have iPads or iPhones around so we can take a quick squizz and see whether we actually need some of the pages that get blocked when we're Googling for Oracle solutions. So far, we haven't been able to find a good reason to fill out the fifty forms for unblocking the techy sites that are accidentally censored because we've found the same solutions on other sites. Bugger.
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