Quotes, quotes, and two recs

Feb 16, 2010 08:28

Actors and the things they say, take 1:

Terry O'Quinn, in a recent interview:

Q: There is something pretty electric whenever there is a scene involving you and Michael.

A: It's a lot of fun. I talk about him so much that I think I better stop because people are going to think we're having an affair - "You guys better get a room (laughs)!" The truth is that it has been one of the best experiences. I love this cast. When someone hands me a call sheet and I see I am working with Josh, Evangeline, Mattew or Naveen, I am always happy. But I have to say with Michael, we are the closest in age and we have such a common history of work based on the theater pretty much, that I will be really sorry if I don't get to work with Michael more when Lost is over. I've already told him we should get somebody to write us something right now so we can do it later."

I'm so on board with that plan, as the prospect of no more O'Quinn-Emerson scenes once the show wraps up feels me with deep fannish distress. They're such stellar actors, and have such amazing chemistry, that it would be a criminal waste if nothing more would be done. Scriptwriters of the world, get busy!

Actors and the things they say, take 2:

You know, I've always felt for Evangeline Lilly, who has been clear about resenting the love triangle storyline as much as any viewer did for years and wanted Kate to do more than just dither between Jack and Sawyer for years. So it doesn't surprise me to learn that she loves the Claire and Kate thing, was rooting for Sawyer/Juliet, and definitely did not want any Juliet versus Kate rivalry because:

"Women have more to them than just cattiness and jealousy. There are a lot of women with empathy for each other. There is a thing called sisterhood, and they play brotherhood on the show a lot, but not sisterhood. We really, really wanted to show that women can be magnanimous and have these noble qualities they like to attribute to men. We aren't just shallow and simple and after men, we care about each other."

Sing it, sister.

Actors and the things they say, take 3:

From the Doctor Who magazine. Err, clothing spoilers for Matt Smith's outfit in his first episode? No spoilers otherwise.

Q: Matt, in Episode 1, you're still wearing David Tennant's suit, in which you filmed the regeneration.

A: Yes. Well, no. I was in a newer version than this, because this is the raggedy Doctor.

Q: How's it been altered? You're a bit better built than David...


Q: No! No, no, not fatter at all!

A: My God!

Q: David is a very, very slim man.

Q: Whereas I'm rolling down the aisles! (grins) Yes, um, well, no, it's... I don't know how it's been accomodated.

Considering quite how skinny DT is, I feel for him. :)

Meanwhile, have two brief and great fanfics in two different fandoms:


The Body and the Blood: Vorena, early in season 2. If you know what happens to Vorena early in s2, you know this is triggery, as it should be. Deals with the storyline and its impact on her in an unsparing, true way.


In bocca al lupo: in which Verucca the werewolf encounters Buffy post-show. Verucca is alive, go with it; the dialogue and characterisation for both women is excellent.

rome, buffy, lost, fanfic recs, dr. who

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