SWORD #4 and West Wing recs

Feb 15, 2010 14:40

SWORD #4 made me simultanously very happy (content-wise) and unhappy (since there's just one more left), but you know what I did to console myself up about this. A few spoilery remarks:

- for those of us keeping score, Brand displays knowledge of the following languages in this issue: Galactica Basic, High Skrull, Debased Kree, Shi'ar Prime, and merchant-slang Majesdanian. One of the reasons I'm noting this is that I've heard it repeatedly said she's not smart enough to be interesting to a genius like Hank.

- Death's Head is growing on me; his disgust at the Beast/Brand version of mushiness ("Good news or bad news first?" "Hurt me, Hank." "Oh, Abigail!") made me grin.

- Marvel Inside Gag of the day: "Abigail Brand's Dark Reign of the Bathroom Cupboard". LOL. Mind you, given the increasing rate of Hank's banter bringing up domestic scenarios for the two of them on page, I feel entirely justified in the central gimmick of my recent story.

"Faux-vengers" wasn't bad, either, Mr. McCoy.

- the Methroliths are adorable.

- Of course Unit helps the Drenx. Given that we're explicitly told the sedation makes all humans incapable of aggressive and defensive behaviour, methinks it's up to all those locked-up aliens plus my and Hank's beloved Abigail Brand to do the fighting and liberating in the next and final issue. Henry Gyrich is going to be ever so embarrassed.

- Speaking of Gyrich, though, I really like the comic continues to keep him three dimensional; pointing out to Norman Osborn that Venom counts as alien as well was a neat character moment.

- go Lockheed!

In conclusion: I love this comic. WHY is it cancelled?

In other fandom news, but still about couples I'm fond of, I was delighted to find new West Wing fanfiction featuring CJ and Danny Concannon:

Backwater Parts

Set pre-show, no spoilers beyond the backstory for the first Bartlet campaign.

And there were two delightful gen ficlets, one featuring Amy Gardner and Josh during the Santos administration, one about CJ and Abbey near the end of s7, here.

west wing, sword, review, fanfic recs

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