when your brain is full

Oct 14, 2014 22:11

I know most people around here only follow me for fandom, so I'm sorry I have nothing for you. The house and move and all the life changes are just too much for me to manage anything as involved as writing.

It's been a rather wordless year for me - I've written as much in the last three months as I was wont to write in a month in previous years. It's just the way things turned out.

A lot of "friends" have drifted or abandoned me, and while some old ones (vintage, in internet tearms) have reconnected, the developments of life-beyond-fandom in their lives as well as mine - to say nothing of fandom drift - mean we don't hang out the way we used to.

It's a life stage thing, but sometimes it still makes me kind of nostalgic.

I'll sign up for Yuletide, but that's easy enough. I'm debating whether or not to run the Pacific Rim Secret Santa again, because I haven't actually written anything in that fandom for a while.

Life is boxes and logistics and exhaustion and not enough sleep.

B2 moves tomorrow (her furniture). B1 and I move on Saturday. We'll all be sleeping here until Saturday, and then...

I left my childhood behind when I was 18 and moved out of home. By choice, on a positive note, and with the assurance that my family would always be there for me if I needed to come back. As it turned out, I kind of got called back when my mother remarried and asked if I'd move back in to keep an eye on the sistren.

Still, this house has always been 'home' just as much as anywhere else I lived. More because of the people who were here, not just the building, but the memories of the people I love are firmly rooted in this building. And although we'll change our buildings, we'll keep making memories - good and bad, but mostly good.

thoughts, house, life

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