back, sort of...

Oct 08, 2014 06:56

The finger is better. I can type without it hurting, although it still feels a bit funny, and I've been substituting my middle and little fingers for my ring instead.

Picture-heavy post about the finger, the house, and a little bit of quilting:

This is the finger immediately after the break:

Basically, the tip of the finger was broken, the blood came out from a wound under the nail, and the whole finger was swollen.

This is the finger ten days after the break:

Twenty days later, the bruising has gone, but the tip is still swollen:

It'll probably be another few months in fully healing, but if it feels a bit weird now and then, at least I can finally do things again without it hurting (although sometimes it throbs).

So writing will recommence. It's been pretty annoying not to be able to do anything.

The finger has come at an annoying time, because we've been packing up the house and it's nowhere near as done as it needs to be. B2's movers are supposed to be next Wednesday (they're not booked yet, because B2 and weekday). Our movers are booked for Saturday week (the 18th).

But the house is coming together!

Before the renovations there was a linen cupboard, between the breakfast/dining/kitchen area and the entryway:

Also above the kitchen bench - see the bulkhead coming down from the ceiling? There used to be descending cabinets there, making the kitchen distinct from the dining/breakfast area. They took the cabinets out but left the bulkhead there.

We took out both the linen cupboard and the bulkhead to make more space. We can store linens in our own wardrobes or in the laundry linen cupboard.

All the photos were taken from more or less the same spot, same angle. I didn't line it up exactly, though.

It got painted last week. We figured a 'feature wall' in the living areas would liven up the place, give it a bit more of a kick. I'm glad we did.



It's a very colourful house now!

Anyway, I have to go in to sand down the skirting boards today and give them a quick once-over with some white paint. We pulled up the carpet to get to the floorboards underneath, and the carpet and the underlay reached to halfway up the skirting boards, which had been painted at some point in the past, without pulling up the carpet. So there was this ridged line of paint about 1.5" up the skirting boards. And it's a minor thing, but it would have bothered me.

Writing and quilting have kind of ground to a halt in the face of the house and the health. It's just been too much to deal with all at once, although I am picking up my profic again. I think that once I finish one MS, it'll be easier to just finish another. That was how it went with fanfic: once I'd finished a long story (at the time, 9K was a long story for me), it wasn't so daunting.

This is just an 80K-long story. With my own characters doing their own thing. I can do this.

health, house, life

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