when your brain is full

Oct 14, 2014 22:11

I know most people around here only follow me for fandom, so I'm sorry I have nothing for you. The house and move and all the life changes are just too much for me to manage anything as involved as writing ( Read more... )

thoughts, house, life

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Comments 9

missyvortexdv October 14 2014, 21:56:19 UTC
Hope the move goes well for you. :)


seldearslj October 17 2014, 07:46:20 UTC
Tomorrow! And lots of little things to do before then. And then lots of little things to do after, too!


missyvortexdv October 18 2014, 16:21:28 UTC
Bit by bit it'll get done but moving is hard work, so you have my sympathies. Here's to you hopefully being able to sit back and relax in the new place sometime soon and enjoy getting to explore a an exciting new home.


adafrog October 15 2014, 02:31:45 UTC
I can see how it might be hard to move, even if you like the new place.


seldearslj October 17 2014, 07:46:46 UTC
It's a little bit nostalgia, a little bit letting go. It makes things difficult.


amenirdis October 15 2014, 12:22:46 UTC
I know moving is exhausting! But it will be done soon. And then you can settle in and relax. *hugs*


seldearslj October 17 2014, 07:47:18 UTC
It will be nice to relax. I really really want this done, but the only way is to go through it.


arrietty October 15 2014, 18:35:27 UTC
Moving can be good in some ways, but sad in others.

I helped move my parents from their home last year. They had lived there for over 40 years. It was their second home, but first since we emigrated from UK. It was quite sad for all of us to leave this home, because my children spent many hours there, I grew up in this home (teenage years onwards) so it was hard for me too. But now, I go to their new unit and walk into their lounge and it is still home to me, because my parents live there.


seldearslj October 17 2014, 07:48:16 UTC
At this point, I kind of want it done. We've been delayed and delayed and delayed so many times getting out of here, and now it's all happening at once.

There will still be home, it's just a change of location. :)


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