welcome to spring!

Sep 01, 2014 13:01

I made it through the weekend. Just. It was pretty rough - especially during the hockey game and once I got home afterwards. I probably shouldn't have played (I kind of told my sister I wouldn't, but it was the last game of the season) but I did, and it was pretty exhausting. I ended up going to bed around 9:30pm last night and got just enough sleep through periods of coughing to make me feel almost human today.

And it's House Day! (Settlement in one hour.) Alas, for there will not be time to go in and look through the house before sunset, but I'm hoping to get tomorrow off in lieu of that.

Also, work project Go-Live, but nothing has come up that we didn't already know about, although New Guy Who Will Be Supporting My Area is asking questions about things that we've already worked out which, yes, is good that he's switched on, but annoying because my brain thinks, "we've already dealt with this a month ago, why must I go back and explain it all over again?"

(I probably should have had a 'real lunch' instead of the snacks in my drawer - mostly nuts and some dried fruit - but I find I really can't be bothered...)

Finally, it's SPRING! (Yes, yes, it is spring in Australia; no, we don't calculate seasons by the equinoxes/solstii; not everywhere conforms to USian calendars/standards, m'kay? DEAL WITH IT.) And a lovely warm-ish day for the first of the season.

So tired. Getting through the afternoon is going to be a hard slog, but there's a party at 4:30. At least, I hope it's a party and not a lecture, because I don't know that I could handle either right now, but at least a party will be fully of happy people and require less coping mechanisms.

work, house, life

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