timetable for the weekend

Aug 29, 2014 15:35

8am - get in to work, check all the communications, drink lots of coffee
9am - testing starts
9am-3pm - troubleshoot, troubleshoot, troubleshoot, fix any issues that arise, pacify all clients running around like headless chickens,
4pm - final house inspection
nighttime - collapse

8am - get in to work, drink lots of coffee, check on anything that was working yesterday that it's still working today
8am-11am - troubleshoot, fix issues, pacify client
11am-3pm - 2 hockey games
3pm onwards - drinks with the hockey teams at the RSL (maybe)

8am - get in to work, watch everything go crazy
2pm - settlement happens, get a call saying everything has gone fine (or else that everything has gone pear-shaped)
5pm - finish work, pick up keys to house, go to house, BASK.

Somewhere in the midst of all that, I have to finish this PH and write an assignment.

work, house, life

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