no rest for the sick

Sep 02, 2014 08:46

I spent most of the night hacking my lungs out, so I'm kind of exhausted today. I should probably make a doctor's appointment to see if there are antibiotics for what I have, or if it's a virus and I just have to wait, for "this too shall pass".

In the meantime, there are far too many things to do right now.

I have a couple of days off this week - Tuesday and Thursday, both of which are going to be dedicated to 'house things'. Just about to head out to pick up the keys from the Real Estate agent, and meet a locksmith at the house.


At least I don't have hockey training this week, although we have games on Sunday. And I've just realised I was going to go to a gym class at 9:30. Dang. Maybe I'll just do some hockey ball skills instead...

I'm making some decisions about how I'm going to use these journals going forward. I still like LJ better than tumblr or twitter for interaction, and frankly, I'm leery of putting too much fannish stuff up on Facebook.

But I have two journals and most of the people who were once 'internet friends' are really more 'friends who live a long way away but still have an interest in my life' now, and so there's no need for the divide. I might end up posting fannish and life things to tielan, and putting my emodumps (basically rants: family and fandom and suchlike) on seldear under lock.

hockey, life

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