pinkduckie0: so what the fuck are you doing
drewbenn: laying on my bed doing nothing
pinkduckie0: no i mean what the fuck are you doing
drewbenn: sorry, kari... that was russ
drewbenn: was in the living room
pinkduckie0: is this drew
drewbenn: ya
drewbenn: hey
pinkduckie0: so why are you with kelsey, exactly?
pinkduckie0: or why are you with andrea
pinkduckie0: or what the fuck do you think youre doing?
drewbenn: kari
drewbenn: it's been a rough week.
pinkduckie0: no shit
drewbenn: i don't really need this right now.
pinkduckie0: i dont feel bad for you
drewbenn: so
pinkduckie0: so i think you should be honest
drewbenn: hey.... that's very decent of you
pinkduckie0: how are you justifying what youre doing to yourself?
drewbenn: is it really any of your business, kari?
pinkduckie0: shes my fucking sister
pinkduckie0: and youre ruining her
drewbenn: ruining her
drewbenn: right.
pinkduckie0: she doesnt care about herself, her mind, her body or her life because of you
pinkduckie0: and you dont seem to give a shit either
drewbenn: you know, kari, she wouldn't be who she fucking IS without me
pinkduckie0: what the fuck does that mean?!?!
drewbenn: who do you fucking think forced her on to meds for depression?
pinkduckie0: HOW are you justifying this shit?
drewbenn: cutting
pinkduckie0: then why dont you stay the fuck away from her?
drewbenn: how bad do you really think she's been messed up over the years?
drewbenn: and then think about how much i've been there to fix it
drewbenn: you're her sister, and you don't even fucking know
drewbenn: so don't preach to me... i've been there for her
drewbenn: so sit back and pretend like you have a clue what's going on
drewbenn: get all fucking indignant and protective
drewbenn: and then realize that i'm the one who's fucking been there for years.
drewbenn: you're welcome.
pinkduckie0: fuck you
pinkduckie0: if you think kelsey should be thankful to you
pinkduckie0: if you care about being there for her so much than why is she just your fuck buddy on the side?
drewbenn: you wouldn't understand
pinkduckie0: YOURE RIGHT
pinkduckie0: i dont
drewbenn: and i'm not going to try to make you
pinkduckie0: at all
pinkduckie0: fuck you and stay away from her, please.
drewbenn: not gonna happen, kari... sorry
drewbenn: till she asks me to
pinkduckie0: well then be better to her goddamnt
drewbenn: kari... look
drewbenn: you'll get all this someday... but it's really not as bad as you see it being
Why? because this isn't about me any more. if you all want to write me off forever, i DESERVE THAT. i made 11 months of decietful, morally reprehenisble choices. but She only made one mistake, and for standing by me she risks getting painted with the same brush.
furthermore, she's risking a lot more by telling the truth. you all mean a lot to me, but its nothing compared to the time and emotion she's invested with all of you.
please know that we were both telling the truth, and even if that puts me beyond forgiveness, it certainly should redeem her.