day 13- protein?

Jun 30, 2012 00:17

I have been having not-very-much energy lately, off and on. Belenen thinks it's a protein deficiency, but I dunno. I though/think it's a lack-of-agency feeling of depression. Also, midnight thirty to nine am is 8 and a half hour of sleep, which is about standard for me. Granted, right now I'm so tired I feel like my face is falling off, so I dunno.

I applied to work as an IT person at six flags! Given that the application seemed very much geared toward high schoolers, I feel hopeful about my chances. It would be really, really nice to have a job, especially one with perks (like free six flags + white water). The idea of having a job makes me feel more awake, more alive.

Today, John took me to my car, and traffic was so bad that it was basically a date. Ze got here around 4:15, and didn't drop my off my car til 6:30 or so. I really really enjoyed hanging out with zir, and the chill pace of the hang out. We actually stopped at Subway because traffic was so bad that it was making me anxious, and talked about our lives. I talked about my job hunt, the things that guild wars 2 doesn't do right, and the sadness of sleep schedule disconnect with Belenen. John talked about zir relationship issues, zir moving frustrations, and how much more relaxed ze is now that ze's actually found a place to live. We held hands some, and kissed hello and goodbye, and it was just generally really sweet. <3

Courtney suggested that I talk about various board games and such as filler to make blog-a-day posts much easier, and I may very well do that.

for tomorrow: Small World, Blizzard's racism (I-want-to-poop-on-your-motherboard), and my time with Abby and Belenen.
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