day 12- middle of the night post after the official day- or not.

Jun 29, 2012 11:12

that is, this post should have been done yesterday, but yesterday I felt like refried death. I'm not even sure exactly what it was- maybe sun poisoning?

I hung with Teri yesterday, and it was... surprisingly good, and it felt honest and candid. We talked about Nick a lot, who is one of my favorite people,and talked about how Nick feels guilty about flaking. Which is ironic, because I have the same issue. I think that may be part of what makes Nick feel so safe; the flaking guilt, at least for me, only lasts until we hang out again.

I started this post when I woke up at 630am, and I was like, "I feel motivated!" for just long enough to write the previous paragraph. Then I feel back asleep.

Guild wars 2 is coming out at the end of August, which is both exciting and depressing. It's exciting that it finally has a release date, and it's not /that/ far away, but it's incredibly depressing that it's after belenen starts school. August 25th (the prepurchase start date) is a Saturday, so at least we can play together on the opening weekend (I hope I hope I hope). It makes me really sad that the world will not be open, in the long term, to explore until after Belenen has school stress again. Hopefully, at least Jacob will be able to have off work. I felt so full and loved when we were all playing together. It only could have been better if all 3 of us played at once, instead of Jacob and I playing with his friends for awhile, and Bel and I one on one. I really loved both times, but I felt like I had to choose between them, which made me sad.
To be clear, neither of them made me make that choice. They, at least for now, have very different, and probably incompatible preferred styles of play. Between that, and also fears about being "not good enough at games," it couldn't happen for the most recent beta weekend. I feel like they will be able to play together if they first have a talk about what they want from gaming with friends. I mean, they like each other as people, and they're both easy to get along with and accepting. I've never seen either of them get mad about someone not doing well enough in a game, and I know that Jacob specifically avoids pvp for that reason.

So yeah, long story short. I want to play with my family, my whole family. Right now, that includes John, Jacob, and Belenen, at least for "people that I consider family that I very much want to play gw2 with and I think will play it with me a lot"
Nick, for example, is certainly family. And certainly going to play it. I just don't think we'll together very often, which is sadening.

I think I was assuming that when gw2 came out, or was about to, my community would magickally form up around gw2. And it seems that gw2 is definitely a growing-closer for us, but not all of us, which is what I was hoping for.
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