day 10- sleep schedules and depression

Jun 25, 2012 12:55

So I've been sleeping... a lot? I don't know, it's hard to tell. I have been sleeping in four hour increments, and unable to fix or control that. I don't actually know why at all, and that's kind of a problem considering that I'm trying to get a job.
Well, I guess it depends on the job. If my "day at work" is at most 7 hours, maybe less, than that's 9 hour "work days", and I've been up from like, 5 to 2, which is nine hours. So I could get up in time to go to work, then go home and go to sleep. Again, that only works if I'm only working 7 hours, which is only even possible for part timey jobs. I'm hoping that actuaries have 8ish hour jobs.

So! I might become an actuary! The first test is pretty easy to complete, and the second one is also not-to-bad, and apparently you can start to get actuary "jobs" (read: get paid to take more actuarial exams) even after you past the first test. Also, the third test builds directly off the first two, so yay. Sadly though, you need at least 8 weeks to study for each test, and I'm not on meds, so let's say 12 for me, which means 36 weeks. IE, most of ANOTHER year until I have a job where I make more than the bare minimum for me to survive. Blargh.

I'm doing job hunting stuff now, so maybe I'll find some jobs I can get after the first exam. Maybe I can really buckle down and do the exam in 6 or 7 weeks. It's on probability, and everything I've seen about the exam is just... what was in my Probability class. I wish I'd taken it last September, or ealier. Shit.

I've been feeling really depressed off and on, and telling myself "if only gw2 were out..." but that's simply just not good enough any more. Even if gw2 /does/ magickally cure my depression, it not being out yet means that I can't rely on it. Which means I have to admit to myself that I am, in fact, depressed. Typing that out is kind of a huge relief. Which surprises me. Maybe it's because it lets me deal with it, rather than... well, not dealing with it and just wishing it would go away. Now I have the power.

I wish I had more things to post, but I dunno. I don't. Hopefully Thursday will actually be a big GW2 announcement; we'll see.
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