blogathon day 7: practice, or the wolf you feed

Jun 21, 2012 23:39

You get better at what you practice. If you practice self-care, you get better at it. If you practice stressing yourself out to get things done, you get better at it. That may mean that you get better at stressing yourself out. It may mean that you get better at Getting Things Done. It probably means both. It's also why I think that a guilt/shame spiral is not a good way to get things done.
Although, that may have more to do with the fact that guilt/shame spirals make me want to hide and Not do anything, rather than get the thing done I'm shaming myself about. Both are possible, and in fact both are probably true.

Last night I went to sleep super early for me. I'm not sure exactly what time, but let's say 3am. I woke up this morning at 6:30 or 7, posted, wandered around the internet, and then tried to go to sleep. It never worked. I don't know why, but I couldn't get back to sleep until like. Noon. And then I was only able to sleep because I was depressed. :(

Well, I woke up soon after that, and my dad let my borrow money, so I felt a lot better, since you know, I went from not-enough-to-fill-my-tank to enough-to-get-groceries-and-pay-bills. There should really be words for those concepts. Kudos if anyone comments with previously existing or new words for those concepts ;)

So, back to the wolf you feed. I spent years and years chasing people and trying to find The Right Person to be with. I gave up, but I had spent so much time on it that I had points in communication and closeness and openness and reading people. So when I met belenen, I had enough skills in starting relationships and enough concentration that our love grew into a beautiful relationship. Which is what I wanted to originally, so you could say that the wolf I fed was love.
My friend Joe is a fan-tastic programmer. He makes a ton of money doing it, spends most of his time doing it, including free time, and really enjoys it. He's been really into programming and development since at least 2001, probably earlier. You (general) could say that the Wolf That He Feeds is programming.
Both Joe and I spend a decent amount of time on video games, and though it's not our primary focus, we've both gotten pretty decent at video games over the years. I'm not saying that I can win any awards or anything; I just have spent enough time on video games to get a grasp of most video games fairly quickly. It's another Wolf, one that we both have fed.

The reason I'm talking about The Wolf You Feed is because of a parable by the same name. I don't remember the exact story, but basically, in the parable, you have two wolves inside of you, a happy "good" wolf, and an angry "bad" wolf. Which one will win? The one you feed.
Only, it turns out there's not really a "good" and "bad" wolf, but there is a "programming" wolf and a "relationship" wolf and a "networking" wolf and a "time management" wolf. And so on.

I think I want to feed the "time management" wolf more, and maybe invite the "figure out what I can make money doing that will also make me happy" wolf in. Actually, I think that wolf is well-fed. I want... need. to feed the "do the things that will make me happy" wolf way more.
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