It's Super Effective!
Burger King veggie burgers are, surprisingly, really freaking amazing. They're Morningstar burgers. Granted, 3 dollars for a single morningstar burger, when the whole package is 3.50, and tomatoes and pickles and sauce and buns are all cheap, is over priced... except that when I buy it from burger king, there it is, finished! So it's not so much over priced, as a convenience cost. When I have lots of spoons, it's over priced. When I have none, it's totally worth it. Recently, it's been worth it more often than not.
Yesterday, Abby and
belenen and I went to Sweet Tomatoes, which was fun and good and... incredibly enlightening. Abby and Belenen were acting somewhat flirty (in my perception), and it was happy and good in a way that hanging out with Abby used to be soon after we first met. Also, it seems to me that Abby is constantly anxious. I don't know for sure though.
Before that, Bel and I went to Poly High Tea, which was AWESOME until I got overheated. Bel asked a question that turned out to be really good, and it was something like "what have you learned about polyamory?"
My answer amounted to communication is always good, and more is always better.
So Blizzard is full of poop. The new expansion, called Mists of Panderia, is really super ultra pretty. And the most racist piece of garbage I've ever seen in a video game, and that's saying a lot. All of the jokes are racist stereotypes about Asian people, or jokes about how people thought that bears weren't a good addition to the game. What's worse, is the entire starting area seems to be one giant "all asian people do is martial arts!"
It's such a piece of shit. Belenen said that it made zir want to poop on all their motherboards. I found that upsetting at the time, because it's basically murder, but I dunno. It's pretty bad, and probably not fixable without starting from scratch.
Small World is a game that, at first glance, appears to be non-random-Risk with an empire decline mechanic. Actually, that's exactly what it is, but it makes it MUCH different from Risk. First of all, while there is player interaction, there's no alliances that I've ever seen, or directly-trying-to-take-out-player-3. For me, this means that the game is more consistently fun, because being ganged up on is not enjoyable, and also more dynamic, because alliances kind of lock games into a certain place. Also, because it's non-random (it takes a certain amount of pieces to invade a territory depending on what's in the territory), planning becomes much more effective. So it's less of a war game, and more of a long-term planning and empire game. AND it only takes about two hours (that's a guess) on first play, so it's WAY faster than Risk! Yay!
58 days til gw2.