I'll go into the twilight (Active, Closed)

Aug 11, 2011 21:25

Characters: Minako and Jason
Time: Around 7:00
Location: Hard Rock
Content: Disappearings
Format: Whatever works.
Warnings: angst, most likely

Minako leaned against the wall, mopping her forehead with a damp towel. Sparring helped her feel less reliant on Venus' powers... And spending time with Jason just made her feel better. She downed the rest of her water and stretched a bit, smiling over at him. "Thanks again for everything..."

She pushed her hair from her face and tugged a bit on her orange tank top when she felt a rumble. Brow furrowing, she looked back up at Jason... Another rumble. "Do you feel that?"

[character] jason grace, [character] minako aino

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