As the World Falls Down

Aug 11, 2011 18:15

Characters: Aqua, Terra, and Master Eraqus
Time: After the vanishings have started
Location: On the move towards the center of Chicago
Content: Disappearances :|b
Format: Prose
Warnings: Angst

The world was falling apart. Even knowing that the world had, essentially, been a construct Aqua couldn't help but feel a small amount of sorrow. Was this what it had been like for Terra, when he'd had to watch Master Xehanort tear apart their home? She wasn't about to ask though. There wasn't time and it wouldn't have served any point. Not with the fog closing in. Not with the feeling that something less than welcome was about to come at any moment.

No, getting to safety was the first priority here, and the only reason she hadn't brought out her glider to make the trip faster was the fact that she wasn't sure how well it would work in a world that was splitting at the seams. Well... that and the fact that it wouldn't have been enjoyable in the least to have it drop out from under her because of those odd power surges. For now, she'd have to make do with moving on foot.

But at least the fog wasn't closing in too fast.

[character] master eraqus, [character] aqua, [character] terra

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