Take a Look, It's In a Book [Active/Open]

Sep 13, 2010 21:25

Characters: Linkara, anybody else who wants to join in
Time: A few days after the Edward Cullen thieves return and after rumors of new creatures in the city start circulating...and afternoon.
Location: Chicago Public Library
Content: With all this crazy supernatural stuff going down, Linkara figures he needs to know what's going on. With the ( Read more... )

[character] negi springfield, [character] axel, !open, [character] linkara, [character] link

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underagemage September 15 2010, 00:10:03 UTC
Negi smiled pleasantly, "I think you might have most of the books at this branch regarding the topic." He looked over at the various titles, many of them unfamiliar. These were from the mundane side of the world though. He wished he had more access to magical knowledge but Yue had said her book wasn't functioning correctly. For now this was his best bet unless he asked one of the other wizards/mages in this world what sort of materials they might have.

"Oh...thanks. I'm not sure I'll find what I'm looking for but it might help," Negi said, pulling out a chair and taking some of the denser volumes that were a little more specific than the encyclopedia. Mostly they were magic related but a few were about demons and vampires. His main curiosity a this point was seeing if this world was different from his or if perhaps it was the same. As far as he could tell they shared a lot of the same history but there were minor differences that bothered him.

Just as he was about to open the book he looked back up, "I'm Negi by the way...I think we might have spoken on the Sentinel a few times."


iamaman_punch September 15 2010, 01:25:22 UTC
"Probably." Trying to be thorough might have just gotten Linkara in over his head. What he needed was either someone familiar with this version of Chicago or a good bookworm to help him narrow things down. He adjusted his glasses and flipped a page in the encyclopedia, looking at the second half of the article on the Wild Hunt. At least this one had some specifics to it. "What are you looking for, anyway?"

That explained why the kid looked so familiar. "Yeah, I think so. Linkara. Nice to meet you, Negi."


underagemage September 15 2010, 02:07:19 UTC
Well, Negi might not have been as much of a bookworm as Nodoka or Yue but he was certainly good at finding things on his own. "I'm looking for more information on the magic of this world. I need to know if the system and rules are the same here. And, if they're different, perhaps I can learn some new things to add to my own arsenal." He paused then added, "Also, some of the creatures we've encountered seem to behave differently than what I've learned before so I'm hoping maybe to get a better idea in that aspect as well."

It was strange being able to freely and openly discuss magic. He had decided, after displaying his powers in front of Kitty, Molly, and Link that he just couldn't afford to keep such a thing a secret. People needed his help and it wasn't like this was his home anyway...nor was this a normal situation.

"Nice to meet you as well." He distractedly started flipping through a few pages, eyes skimming over the words. He was a quick reader and study so while it might seem like he wasn't absorbing the material he really was.


iamaman_punch September 15 2010, 02:46:31 UTC
More info on magic, huh? Not something he was expecting from a kid, but it took all types. "I don't think you're going to find anything on magic in those books. Most people don't think magic exists; they'd hardly write about it. They also think most of the creatures we're running into around here are legend. It doesn't help that none of the legends say the same thing."

He glanced over the article one more time, comparing it with the notes he'd taken on his phone, then saved his notes and closed the encyclopedia. One down - sort of. Time for a different tack. "Hey, have you heard anything about creatures in the city with two sets of eyes? The rumors don't match up with anything I've found so far."


underagemage September 15 2010, 03:42:25 UTC
"Probably not. But you never know where there might be a grain of truth. Though you're right...I might do better just to seek out the other wizards who might have been brought here," Negi mused, looking a little troubled but did his best to hide it. He really did need to inquire about who else was here that practiced magic. It would be good to have some sort of magic pool of knowledge. "I suppose we'll have to work with trial and error when it comes to the creatures in legend. As I said, there should be a grain of truth in the legends."

He shook his head at Linkara's other question. "I haven't...is that all that's been said, that they have two sets of eyes? I don't think finding something with two sets of eyes is going to narrow the search much. You would probably need more descriptions...but I'm guessing that's not something that was given."


iamaman_punch September 20 2010, 03:24:17 UTC
"I'm about at that point myself." He reached for one of the books on demonology - a long shot, sure, but sometimes long shots worked - and flipped it open. "I'm just used to finding information on my own. Then again, I'm also used to a working internet connection." He shrugged. "I'd bet the people who said they're from Chicago know about the creatures that are running around here - more than we do, at least. As it is, I don't think I can narrow the legends down enough."

He shot Negi a flat stare, then looked back at the book. "They're rumors. Every 'detailed description' is of something completely different than the last one. The only thing that keeps coming up is the two sets of eyes, so that's all I have."


underagemage September 24 2010, 01:49:46 UTC
"We really probably should talk to them. But I imagine it's hard to predict every creature and being that might show up here," Negi said. He knew the people who were in the "know" were trying to help, but there was really only so much fore warning you could give a person. He looked down at the books, "I just wish my own magical knowledge was helpful...but so far the things that have popped up haven't been anything I've seen before." Even the vampires were different.

Negi blinked, "Oh. I just thought there might be more...well I guess we'll just have to see what comes up."


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