Couchcon has ended, and I think overall a good time was had by all? Poor PPP got sick and had to leave early (saaaaaaaaad) but a ton of gaming and the watching of Goseiger happened. And Pacific Rim and MMPR the movie. Oh, and I turned 30.
There was a lot less fic plotting this year but a lot more gaming, and I adore couchcon and my friends. And everyone met my girlfriend and they've told me to keep her. Good thing I was planning on doing that anyway!
Anyway, Goseiger = still delightful. Orion = the best angstiest backstory, why is the stupid show on hiatus now? Thunderstone = a game of awesome. ToQger the game = still great. Catan = all is fair in love and gaming. Plus I totally kicked everyone's ass at Power Rangers trivial pursuit. *is the champion*
Fandom friends = the best. Period. \o/
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