A list

Apr 28, 2014 13:45

1-Oh my god, I have been asking for the Scott/Summer pretending to be married AU of Ranger Yellow for YEARS and some amazing person finally wrote it for me for ship swap and it is wonderful and made of love and joy and you should all read it - Not His Best Idea Ever.

2-The fabulous
punkpinkpower sent me the worlds greatest gift. I have a dragon dagger, you guys. And it is shiny and my girlfriend has already tried to steal it.

3-R and L from my trivia team (but who moved away) were in town for his birthday so there was excellent gaming on Sunday!

4-Also I went to Medieval Times with the girlfriend, the girlfriend's BFF and the godkid and it was a ton of fun, even though we got stuck rooting for Tommy.

5-Speaking of the girlfriend, I might have purchased her a very shiny piece of jewelery that she will not be getting for a while yet, but it has been purchased.

6-We recorded the first episode of Toku Ladies! It will be posted as soon as either I finish figuring out how to edit it or I send it to someone else to edit it. .... The latter is more likely.

7-I basically lost my shit at work today over the new Morphicon guests. CANNOT EVEN.

8-Speaking of work, everything is broken, so time to work on rarewomen and remix. And try to deal with this insane situation that is causing a ton of drama.

9-Still debating on signing up for Not Prime Time, but I did sign up for the PR worldbuilding exchange and so should you!

10-That is it. How are you, flist?

This entry was originally posted at http://thesecondbatgirl.dreamwidth.org/856353.html. Comment wherever you want.

fandom: power rangers, job: library, friends, morphicon, podcast, trivia, d, gaming, challenge: shipswap

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