Ficathons and other stuff

Mar 25, 2014 11:03

Obviously Ranger Recaps hasn't started back up yet. This is entirely my fault. Sorry. We're working on it. I mean, this weekend was our fifth anniversary. (.... if we'd stuck to our original schedule we'd be in Mystic Force now. Oops. Only 6 seasons behind?)

Remix is open for signups! Power Rangers is a fandom again, and so far six of us have signed up. You only need to have written 5 fics of 500 words each, or 7 fics of 100 words each, so you should sign up! It's a lot of fun!

queer_fest is also taking prompts, and I know that some people have left some awesome PR ones, but I'm not doing it this year because of the mods and them banning a prompt that most resonated with my actual life because it wasn't how they felt bisexuality should be portrayed or some nonsense. Apparently I am doing being bisexual wrong. But I know some people really love the fest, so if you want to go leave prompts or claim them go ahead.

I am also trying to figure out how to phrase my panel suggestion for
con_txt. It needs a title, and Pocky says I am not allowed to use "Go Go Power Orgy." But how does this sound for a panel description?

21 years. 119 Rangers. All the shipping combinations you can possibly think of. If you want to come celebrate Power Rangers 21st birthday, talk about your favorite ranger or ship, or just talk about Red Rangers tendencies to dramatically rip off their shirts, then this is the panel for you.

In other news, my relationship is going fabulously. <3 I've met all of her friends, and she's met most of my local friends, and I am very much in love and haven't been this happy in a while.

Apparently I'm going to be on that podcast again like, next week? And I really need to finish working on my ship swap fic.

How are all of YOU? <3

This entry was originally posted at Comment wherever you want.

fandom: power rangers, contxt, dating

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