Oct 12, 2010 20:48
Halloween is my favorite holiday. I was talking with a friend that Halloween is better that Christmas because there is no obligation like at christmas or the chance of long standing family woes popping up. The bigger the family the better chance of a train wreck. That just comes from my own experience and paranoid ideas of expectations.
Halloween, while sharing the decorative and festive attitude has no obligations or expectations. The bonus of the holiday is it gives everyone a chance to be imaginative and live outside the box. not everyone can or is willing to express themselves throughout hte year and this is a free pass to do so and decompress.
Now, with halloween coming up I have pulled out some of my books of ghost stories and urban legends. Ghost stories are fun and scary when you imagination runs away with you. Sadly, TV and podcasts don't have much in the way of JUST ghost stories anymore. Back in the day we would have the local news casters host ghost stories early in the evening so you still had time to go out and fill up on candy. Today we have marathons of Ghost Hunters and other shows that are NOT SCARY or even come close to it.
I want GHOST STORIES! not a bunch of people playing at scientist and doing it badly.
Got nothing else right now. Just a pancake craving. Big ol' platter of little pancakes soaking in syrup with some strawberry jam on the side ^_^